Thursday, January 27, 2022


On our way home yesterday from the eye doctor appointment, I noticed this rooster pheasant along the side of the road.  The boyfriend kindly turned the car around so we could capture this photograph.  Don't see many of these regal creatures anymore, so a sighting is a big deal for us.

Reminds me of going road hunting with daddy and mom when a little girl.  We'd pack minced ham sandwiches made with ordinary slices of Wonder Bread and a little swish of ground mustard.  Daddy was a dead eye shot, and my job was to watch out the backseat window for pheasants along the road ditches.  This was serious business, and he watched me from his rear-view mirror.  Once in awhile I'd hear him say to me, "Hey, back there, keep your eyes on the ditches."  Daddy was a lefty, and it was a joy watching him shoot what would be our supper.  The limit back then was three roosters, but we were naughty sometimes and took our limit home and went back out again.  I figured if daddy did it, then we were okay.

My Boys
All three of us slept till 10 o'clock this morning.  Cuddy snuggled right by my head at night.  Felt his love right up close and personal.  

Cuddy stayed with Bob and Sharon down the hall yesterday for a few hours while we were gone.  Sharon made him another pillow and sent it home with him.  They love him like we do.  Sharon made him both pillows in the photo.  

Gonna be a quiet day, hopefully.  Mail service is very slow.  Am tracking the beads I ordered, and one order is still in California, one in Missouri and the other in Massachusetts.  Quite the mess with lack of workers and truckers.  Am thankful for the convenience of tracking packages.  That's a real perk for buyers.

A 50 degrees difference in temperatures from yesterday to this morning.  Yesterday we had close to -20 and today it's +30.  We'll take it.