One of the episodes featured a woman who lives in the midst of the Louisiana bayou and has a business of selling alligator heads and jewelry she makes from them. She wants to make the new family her special Gumbo, but they won't eat meat. The other woman is a woman from California who's a full-fledged vegan and preaches her overly strong vegan opinions to everyone she meets. She's really hard on the little boy she comes to live with, and he can't stand her being his mommy for a week. One episode is better than the last.
Gotta share about my UN-completed Boho bedroom curtain. With a brilliant morning sunshine, rainbows and polka dots danced all over the room this morning. Wondered to myself if anything could compare for bringing happy to a home. Am in love with prism beads and the joy they bring. Am toying with the idea of making a matching lampshade out of beads for the bedroom. That idea is still baking in my cranial oven.
My Venny friend Sharon gave me her latest editions of Vanity Fair and Vogue magazines. The samples of Chanel and Dior fragrances are to die for. When a strip of the page is pulled back, the fragrance is released. Don't subscribe to any fashion magazines, so it's nice. Don't know if young gals wear perfume anymore, but I always enjoyed a light dab behind my ears and inside of wrists. Little old blue-haired ladies are known for tipping the fragrance bottles a bit too much. Do not want to be one of them.
Gave the boyfriend a haircut yesterday. Think he appreciated getting spiffed up even though there was no place to go.
The weeks fly by, today is once more Saturday. Will get myself showered, give myself a mani-pedi and be set for the day. Am not one to pay someone else to do these pamperings for me. Would be nice and fun, but can't wrap my head around the sense in spending money like that. There's nothing wrong with it, except my choice would rather be to spend the money on beads and vintage jewelry. Maybe it's me with the twisted thinking. Guess it's whatever makes us tick and tock like a clock.