Saturday, January 1, 2022


Last minute change in plans had the two of us sipping hot cocoa with Peppermint Schnapps, a traditional holiday drink at our house.  Drank mine from a special Leech Lake mug that reminds me of our best-ever vacations.  Our sips were followed by a sup of steak, shrimp and baked potatoes basted with olive oil and sea salt.  Our celebration was simple, just as we like.  Watched the fireworks in Miami and the falling of confetti and conscientious wearing of masks and social distancing at Time Square.  At our midnight, a few pretzel crackers and a triangle of soft cheese put us to sleep.  

Saved my bottle of Balatore for today.  Will take it with me to our friends' unit for the parade and lunch.  Will put it out on the deck to get cold, cuz the temperature here is 5 degrees with a wind chill advisory.  Some places south of us got 10-11 inches of snow.  

With our world being off-kilter, just wonder how many bother making resolutions to lose weight.  Think I may have crossed the finish line in that regard.  Remember years past when I dieted, lost weight, and then the hard part started.....keeping the weight off.  Losing was difficult, putting the weight back on was easy-peasy.  SO, my late-life theory on the subject is simply to try to maybe eat a titch less at every meal.  Most of the time I drive the boyfriend nuts cuz I leave a bite or two on my plate.  Figure at the end of one year, if I piled all that food up, it would equal at least five pounds I might have gained.  Sometimes a person has to think outside the frickin' box.  Anyway, that's how I am.  Realistically, at my age, I seek to enjoy everything that makes me happy.  Eating yummy foods makes me happy.  Like I tell myself, there ain't nobody out there who gives a flick about how I look.  Everybody else is too absorbed in worrying how they themselves look.

Want to go through my clothes and toss things that I wore when I was two.  This social distancing has given way to wearing comfy clothes at home.  Last night on the main stream that I watched on You Tube, one of the gals was on screen wearing a onesie.  Best part is she was happy to be herself.  

Looking forward to watching the Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena.  People have been camping overnight, staking out spots along the sidewalks starting at noon yesterday.  In a couple of weeks, the Covid numbers will perhaps climb by 1 or 2 cases, dontcha think?

Watched the celebrating on the telly last night.  Yes, I've crossed over to being an old-fashioned bubba.  The way performers dress nowadays about makes me want to go in the bathroom and upchuck.  Lord deliver me.  Won't be long and clothes will be a thing of the past.  That's when I'm taking the early train out.

flute player.
Native American
Trickster god.
Don't know what to wear today, but will wear the pair of socks the hosts brought me from their trip out west this last year.  The socks are purple with kokopelli designs.  Love 'em.  Anything Native American always appeals.  Will wear black leggings but not sure what else.  Can remember the days when we girls would get new outfits for new occasions.  Boy, those days are in the rear-view mirror for me.  Give me an over-sized sweatshirt or t-shirt, and that's how I like to roll.

Whatever our individual goals are for the upcoming twelve months, let's all try to stay as happy as we can.  Some days that's a whole lot easier said than done with the pandemic and the chaos it has caused.  We've learned to enjoy being at home away from the crazies.  Tis darned near impossible to extricate oneself completely from those with 'low batteries,' if you get my drift.  Me, personally, can't stand to watch t.v. anymore.  With my laptop, at least I can travel the world and read and study the things that will exercise my cranial contents.  The news media has become a monster crushing our country.  Growing up we were told that other countries used propaganda to hoodwink their citizens.  Today, in America, they call it fake news.  

One thing I've discovered.  Writing a blog is harder today than it was a couple of years ago.  No matter how hard I try to stay away from the bad and the ugly, it seems it still somehow seeps into my posts.  If one wish could be granted this new year, it would be for us humanoids to not be so abrasive to one another.  If we'd weigh our words like we weigh our bodies, this world would change in a heartbeat.  Then I reason with myself and think, well, nobody enjoys reading about a make-believe perfect life.  Let's face it, life is a challenge and it takes moxie to maintain our morals.  Let's all just try to be happy with who we are and make the best of the time we have left.  That's my resolve from here on out.

1 comment:

  1. For our 25th Anniversary, we didn't want the kids to give us a party and we've done the First Night thing a few times. It was fun but we wanted something different so we planned a trip out west in late December and we each selected a few things we wanted to see and do. So, we were in Las Vegas for New Year's Eve to see Cirque d'Soleil (the water show) and stay at the Bellagio. We weren't there to gamble and promptly left New Year's morning. Next up: Pasadena. I wanted to see the Tournament of Roses Parade in person and 2-3 old Spanish Missions. We saw San Gabriel Arcangel and drove down to San Juan Capistrano. We had tickets to see and hear the bands at a university that were playing in the Parade. We missed the horse show. Our motel was steps away from our bleacher seats we had chosen because we wanted to see the Parade turn the corner. Gary Sinise was the 2018 Grand Marshal. We had tickets to see the floats the next day, which were parked not too far from where we stayed. It's truly amazing to see every inch covered with seeds/flowers. Sidelight: one lady at the Band Show said she'd helped other Seniors cut flowers. I thought she meant cut the heads off the stems. Nope. She meant her assigned task was taking yellow mums and snipping each petal into little pieces which were going to be glued onto something. Flowers held up well to see and view them the next day. I also thought it would be quite fragrant. To my surprise, it wasn't. I'll share about more of the trip another time.
