Tuesday, February 1, 2022


First day of February.  Anyone know where January went?  Seems yesterday we were engulfed in Christmas and New Year's, and now everything is hearts, flowers and chocolates for Valentine's Day.  

Yesterday Sharon was over, and I mentioned we'd like to have our usual six-some for a party.  Just as I said it, she offered to have the party at her house.  Maybe I'll take St. Patrick's Day.  

Our get-togethers are so fun. Usually meet around 5, have drinks and snacks, followed by supper and dessert.  Sometimes we order pizzas, other times we make a casserole, spaghetti, whatever is simple.  Last time we were at Sharon's she served her homemade spaghetti sauce.  The kind that's slow-simmered.

This morning put together scalloped potatoes and ham.  The boyfriend's favorite.  He was away at a meeting, so I peeled and cut up the potatoes, cut up the ham, cooked the bechamel sauce and baked it for a couple of hours.  Made a big batch so we can enjoy it for a couple of days.  

Tomorrow is my dear friend Suzie's birthday.  After all the years, will always think about the birthday cake her mother made for her when we were little girls.  She put a plastic doll in the center of an angel food, and the cake was frosted to look like a beautiful skirt.  Had never seen anything like it before.  Can't believe we're the age we are, but don't think either of us lets it really upset us.  Every day is a gift, not just when we're older, but from the minute we're born.  Life gets more serious when the majority of it is over.  It's kinda like savoring that last bite of a candy bar.  Actually, life is a lot like February......short and sweet.


  1. I have to say getting this old is a blessing, many never made it. But I could so live without the aches and pains.

  2. A lot goes along with getting older, but, yes, we are fortunate to be able to experience what it's like. There's an old saying, that old age is not for the faint of heart. How true, how true. Life makes us into tough old buzzards, that's my old saying!!!!!

  3. I'm with Dale. He made my favorite dish in this whole wide world (without onions). I like corn flake crumbs and bacon on top. The crumbs add a flavor like nothing else can. I've tried bread crumbs. Not the same. The bacon - well, what's not to like?

  4. At our house, real homemade scalloped potatoes and ham is the meal of celebration! Dale can't stand the boxed ones, not that I'd ever buy them. Your version with the corn flakes and bacon sounds even better than ours. Right now I'm so hungry.......
