Temperature this morning is -8, wind chill -25 degrees below zero. Brrrrrrr. I'd have stayed under the sheets longer this morning, but fuzzy one thought otherwise.
Don't know what got me thinking about things that come in threes. Maybe the Wise Men are lurking in the back of my mind. Perhaps in the past 15 years I've written about this before, but, if so, it was in another blog title, and it definitely is new to Prisms and Polka Dots.
Is there a reason for the significance of the number 3? Don't know, but it sure is an intriguing phenomenon. For starters........
The 3 primary colors (red, blue, yellow) used to make other colors, Three Stooges, Three Little Pigs, Three Men in a Tub, 3-ring binder, The Holy Trinity, The Three Amigos, the triangle (strongest geometric shape), Emus have three toes, 3-ring circus, three French hens, three bones in human ear (hammer, anvil, stirrup), three sheets to the wind (too much to drink), 3-piece suits, Columbus had 3 ships (Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria), Three Blind Mice, three feet in a yard, 3-dimensions, Three Coins in a Fountain, 3 strikes and you're out, 3 bears in Goldilocks, The Three Musketeers, 3-R's (reading-'riting, 'rithmetic), three cheers, three branches of our federal government (executive, judicial, legislative), 3-bean salad, 3 colors in U.S. flag, 3 holes in a bowling ball, 3 flavors (chocolate, strawberry, vanilla) in Neapolitan ice cream, 3 traffic lights (red, green, amber), 3 leaves on a shamrock, 3 teaspoons in a tablespoon.Then there's The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth. Of the People, By the People, For the People. Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Hear no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no Evil. Faith Hope and Charity. Snap, Crackle and Pop. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Small, Medium, Large. The Three Chipmunks (Alvin, Simon and Theodore). CBS, NBC, ABC. Ready-Aim-Fire. On your mark, get set, go.
Newton's 3 Laws of Motion=how objects behave when standing still, when moving, and when forces act upon them. Knife, fork and spoon. Sun, moon, stars. Man, woman, child. Day, month, year. Hot, warm, cold. Rain, sleet, snow.
Interesting how an egg has 3 parts....the shell, the white, and the yolk. Birth-Life-Death, 3-M Company (Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing). B-L-T sandwich. Three Olympic Medals (bronze, silver, gold). Three minutes in a boxing round.
In art and photography, the rule of thirds, which was first talked about way back in the 1700s. Initially, it was thought one-third of a picture should be land and water, and two-thirds should be for air and sky.
Space, time and matter make up the Universe. Space has height, width and depth. Time has Past, Present and Future. Speed-Distance-Time. Land-Sea-Sky. There are 3 states of matter: solid, liquid, gas. Earth is divided into 3 parts: core, mantle, crust. There are three types of rock formations: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. In music, the 3-note chord.
The USA area codes consist of 3 digits. Three meals a day. SOS shows 3 dots, 3 dashes and another 3 dots. Language is based on a sender, the message and the receiver. Garden flowers can be divided into 3 groups.....annual, biennial and perennial. 3-course meals: appetizer, main course, dessert. 3 acts in a play. The planting cycle of our food is threefold: plant, harvest, dormant.
In religious ceremonies, incantations are repeated three times to be effective, i.e.: Holy, holy, holy.
One thing for sure, now I'll be looking for things in threes. Once an idea clicks in the mind, it's like planting a seed in the ground. Of the things that come in three, my absolute favorite is....... 3 versions to every story.......my version, your version, and the truth.
P.S. Tomorrow is the 3rd of January........anniversary of our very first date.