Saturday, October 23, 2021


Was looking on Pinterest when I came across this picture of vintage custard pie.  OMG, I'd do anything for a piece of my Mom's custard pie.  It was a recipe that was affordable to make back when we were kids, cuz we raised chickens for the eggs and milked cows for the milk.....the pie's two main ingredients.  Mom was one of the best cooks in the world, according to me.  Another of her doozies was homemade pecan pie.  She substituted hickory nuts for pecans, cuz we picked hickory nuts in the woods, cracked and picked out the nut meats for baking.  

Modern medicine has made us so self-conscious about eating sugar, that I'm not able to eat desserts anymore without pangs of guilt.  Kinda ticks me off.

Yesterday my Venny friend returned two Agatha Christie books he'd read, and I sent him home with another.  After I read 'em, I pass 'em on to him.  He brought me the coolest surprise.  A bag of perfect beads for making my sparkly sun catchers.  They spotted the unopened bags of beads in a thrift store, thought of me and bought 'em to give to me.  That fortune cookie the other night was right.....something wonderful did happen!

The boyfriend is going to run out to WM today.  I'm personally interested in knowing firsthand if there are empty shelves.  Our friends were in Sam's Club the other day, and there was no t.p.  Took this picture as proof.  That got me thinking about Wysi Wipes.  They are little individual tablets that you add water to and they magically turn into towelettes.  They're made for camping.  Much easier and compact than t.p.

Well, you know crazy me.  Got online and immediately ordered another brand of the same type wipe.  Think the ones I ordered are called Coin Tissues.  Even though we keep extra supplies on hand, this girl isn't gonna get caught with her pants down, if you get my drift.  All we're hearing these days is serious shortages coming.  My theory is to err on the side of caution.  

Many unexplainable things going on, like the cargo ships waiting out in the Pacific to be unloaded.  So much information swirling around us,  it's impossible to discern what's true, what's not true, and what's being exaggerated to scare us.   

The world feels weird and out of whack, and nobody's righting the wrongs. A person can't help but be troubled, especially those of us who were raised to take care of ourselves.