Friday, October 8, 2021


 This picture shows what our trolley was like yesterday.....

We didn't mind, in fact we said it was nice not having the sun in our eyes.  A person must always look for something good in what's before us.  

Stopped at KFC and brought supper home with us.  Had to use the drive-thru cuz the main part was closed.  We don't go out much anymore, so we bought a bucket of 16 pieces with four sides and rolls.  Got 2 mashed potatoes and gravy and 2 cole slaw, half crispy and half original.  Will have chicken again today and will freeze the rest.  

Since Covid set in, we just don't have any desire to go into stores to shop.  Mainly, cuz we don't need anything.  After all our downsizing, we've gotten to where we bring something in, we feel like we have to get rid of something to keep the balance.  We've grown into a couple of content seniors who like to stay out of other people's way.  

On our little drive we encountered one rage-filled driver.  Neither of us could figure out what his problem was, but he honked at us, floored his little blue vehicle and flew past us like a bullet.  We certainly weren't holding up traffic, it was like he was simply angry at the world.  It's good to get drivers like that in front, rather than have them following.  Cannot imagine the big city driving where there are lanes and lanes of traffic going both ways, with overpasses, exits, twists and turns, accompanied by a variety of attitudes and behaviors.  Got home about 4:30 in the afternoon. 

Tis another gloomy day, with rain in the forecast.  Kinda sad that the hummingbirds have left for the winter, all's pretty quiet.  The sparrows are here, and they're more than welcome to share the deck pillar with us.  All the little souls need a place to call home.