Monday, October 11, 2021


Seeing deer in house yards is common where we live.  The other afternoon we were driving around town, and we saw something we'd not seen before.

Yup, a deer drinking out of a bird bath.  

We parked along the street for a few minutes, watching her drink.  It was the sweetest sight ever.  I always say, we never know what's ahead.  Just have to keep our eyes open to find these special moments.

This morning they're doing routine testing of the fire alarms at Venny.  The alarms are loud and shrill.  Poor little Cuddy is shaking.  Dale's sitting with him out on the deck, where he's settled down. 

Dale's reading the daily paper.  Yesterday we didn't get the Cedar Rapids Sunday paper.  For whatever reason, they've moved from Cedar Rapids to Des Moines, and we're having nothing but problems with the delivery.  Yesterday the printing stuff in Des Moines broke down, so today we got both the Sunday and Monday papers.  We know this because Dale called 'em.  I'd imagine the physical newspapers will soon be a thing of the past, with online publications.  However, there's still something comforting about holding a newspaper in one's hands and working the puzzles.  I'm that way about books, too.  Much rather hold a book in my hands than read on a Kindle.  The older the book, the better.  


  1. Love the deer drinking from the bird bath....How lucky for you to catch it. I am always in awe when I see deer, as I watch them they just seem to bring a peace over me and I feel fortunate to have come upon them.

    Hugs your way.....Jo

  2. Yup, you're right, Jo. Deer are dear souls.

    Sending hugs back your way. Thanks for the email with updates. ~L

  3. Funny but we see deer almost every day here and I still am in awe of them. Beautiful creatures, even if they can be destructive.

  4. I always say, it's the deer's world, too. We love em and are happy that they're so tame they sleep at night on the Venny lawn. Fawns with their white spots are precious. ~L

  5. She must have been thirsty.
    My grand says fawns have polka dots.
