Tuesday, October 5, 2021


As my faithful readers know by now, I like to challenge myself to big projects.  It's just the crazy way I'm put together.  Need something to keep my brain bizzy in this crazy world.  My latest one is a doozy.

One of my favorite pastimes is watching detective mystery movies.  The whodunits.  Just love the way authors twist their plots, get us to think it's this guy or that gal who committed the crime, and then at the end we find out it's someone we'd least expect.  

One day a thought crossed my mind.  Why haven't I read the books written by the queen of crime.....Agatha Christie.  We've all heard about her, but I'd never read any of her books.  Don't ask me why.

Started by printing out a list of her 70-some books, starting with the first, The Mysterious Affair at Styles that she wrote in 1920.  This is where she introduces the character in 33 of her stories, eccentric Belgian detective Hercule Poirot, a small man with up-curled mustache.  There are several layers of fun for me.  First, I find a real deal on eBay, order the book and track it's trip to our door.....before the actual read.  Last night in bed I started her third book, Murder on the Links, that arrived yesterday.   

Agatha was born in 1890, Devon, England and lived to be 86.  Over two billion copies of her books have been sold worldwide.  Sales surpassed only by the Bible and by William Shakespeare.  The best-selling author of all time.  She once said that good ideas come to her while doing the dishes.

Now, tell me, how could I live my life and not read what this amazing lady wrote in her entertaining books!

P.S.  There is a climbing rose named after her.


  1. There are a lot of movies made of Agatha Christie's books. My favorite was the actress Joan Hickson who played Miss Marple. I have to admit I haven't seen many but only a couple. The only one I read and kept track was in 1981 The Body in the Library. Don't remember anything about it. I have kept record of every book I've read since before 1979. 79 was when I started to keep track of the year. Read quite a few back in the day but when the PC came along I didn't read as much. Now hardly ever.

  2. If I have one goal in my life yet to this day, it will be to slow down long enough to just READ and not feel guilty for doing it as I have a million things I should be doing instead … I will get there!! ♥️📚♥️

  3. Alice....how awesome you kept record of the books you read. Man, wish I'd have done that. I've said, if we could choose our own eternal Heaven, I'd pick a library with all the books ever written by man, published and unpublished. I'd want a comfy recliner, good lighting, endless coffee, and time to read the books. That's my idea of Heaven. ~L

  4. Little Red.....oh, honey, I can help you reach your goal. You have to spend a little one-on-one with me, tho. ~AT

    1. Now that we’re back to some sense of “normal” again, I’ll take you up on that and come to visit soon!!
