The boyfriend is reading the daily paper, and I'm fiddling around on the laptop. Sir Cuddy has been outside and is laying on the floor.
My trip to the dr. went very well. Numbers were good. My cousin had sent me a short video about a Colonoscopy to Music, so I shared it with both the nurse and doctor. Hey, they need some laughs in their day, too. Probably more than the rest of us. Can only imagine how obstinate some people must be to treat. Next appt. is in six months. By the time that appointment rolls around, it'll be April.
The male nurse who weighed me and took me back to the exam room wore a man bun......and, I love 'em. He told me it was so good to hear a compliment instead of criticism. When he weighed me, I politely asked him not to share the number. He was so sweet. He said, hey, you're okay. The average weight gain during Covid is between 15 and 30 pounds.
Between lab work and appointment, I had an hour to kill. Went down to the cafeteria cuz I'd been fasting for 12 hours. Had a cup of coffee and a chicken salad wrap. Visited with a gal who works in rehab.
Dale stayed home with Cuddy while I drove to the clinic. It's so seldom that I go anywhere by myself. When I was finished, I could've gone anywhere I wanted, but instead I came right back home. Nowhere else I'd rather be. My boys were waiting, as were my recliner and books. When we were young, we were always venturing outside our comfort zone, but it's different now. All things have different values now than they did back then.
Think I'm gonna make a taco salad for lunch. Lettuce, chopped green onion, jalopeno peppers, tomato, grated cheddar cheese, sour cream, medium taco sauce, topped with crushed spicy Doritos. Sometimes add black olives. When we have taco salads for supper, then we add meat and taco seasonings.
After lunch, will kick back and read Agatha Christie's fourth book, The Man In the Brown Suit, copyrighted in 1924. The pages of my later publication are yellowed.