Friday, October 29, 2021


Detective Jack Frost
Happened upon another British detective series on You Tube.  It's called A Touch of Frost.  Detective Frost is an eccentric fellow, tending to do things his way.  He's previously been shot in the head and wears the scar on his left temple.  As feisty as he can be, there's a hint of compassion and kindness.  Think I'm in for a lot of hours of Jack Frost.

Watching British movies feels foreign, cuz they drive their cars on the left side of the road, whereas we in America drive on the right side.  British drivers sit in the right front seat, which in America is the passenger seat.  Love the English accent and terms they use, such as 'bloke' referring to a man, they call their toilets 'loos,'  a 'quid' is a pound, similar to our dollar, 'mate' is a good friend, and 'daft' is being somewhat stupid.  

Many times Detective Frost refers to ladies as 'love.'  He has a sly way of putting his suspects at ease.  He's a character created to entertain, and I can't help but love the guy.  You Tube has quite a few of the episodes, and it's terrific entertainment on these cloudy, overcast days.  

In about a half hour I'll be getting a text saying that Cuddy is on his way.  He'll bring his suitcase, food, toys, bed, and his daddy's t-shirt that's like his blankie.  His water dish is filled, and we're ready for two weeks of over-drive loving.  Got up early, the boyfriend swept the floors for beads.  The last batch of beads are now washed, soaked, rinsed and dried.  Gotta share a secret.....yup, I ordered a purple translucent necklace and five smaller translucent necklaces.  Made offers to the sellers, which they accepted.  Not all my offers are accepted, but are counter offered.  Some I accept, others I decline.  Frugal to the bone.

Think I forgot to say that one day I found a quarter on the street.  Talk about a germ carrier.  Took it in the car and doused it and my hands with Germ-X.  Would've done the same if it had been a penny.  So often I've had dreams where I find coins along the road where I'm walking.  Maybe that's why finding a coin gives me a giggle.

Actually looks like it could snow.  Rained a little here yesterday.  Years back the trick or treaters walked the streets on a rainy evening, which really added a spookiness.  So many memories of Halloween and how we dressed up to be silly.  Last couple of years Covid has adversely affected the gathering and partying.  There will always be a little girl living inside of me, but the years erased my face and put another in its place.  Actually, I could go out as myself now and feel like I'm wearing a mask!

Just got the text.  My little boy will be arriving in six minutes.  Gotta go.  Like the British say.......ta-ta.