Did anyone look at the Hunter's moon last night? Was sitting in my retirement recliner looking out the window when I saw the moon first peek above a white cloud from a tiny bright speck to the full. Called the boyfriend over so he could see this beautiful sight. Brought back memories of being at Cadillac Mountain in Maine, sitting on the rocks waiting for the first sight of the sun in North America.
My niece, Sheila Rae, is a sky whisperer, and she sent me a photo she took last evening. I'm sharing it, cuz I know she won't mind. We're kinda connected at the hip. It's a stunning photo of what her eyes beheld.
Just learned something about my I-phone. The photo that Sheila sent to me would not download into my Chromebook. So, I did a bit of research and found how to take a screen shot.....simply press the volume button on the left side and the power button on the right side of my phone, and that takes a screen shot. Yowza, it worked and allows me then to forward that photo to my email and from there download it. For a couple of boppers, we sure do have fun with our cell phones.
Oh, sure, we realize that we can be tracked and the universe knows where we are at all times, but, hey, we're okay with that. If we get lost, then it won't be any great shakes to find us. Think we've stepped over another life line, cuz we're not buying into a lot of the hype. Whatever works for us, hey, bring it on. So much time is wasted away by worry, and lord knows, we can't do anything about anything anyway. We've put life kinda on cruise control and will let life take us where destiny desires.
Have errands to run today, so we'll be out and about. Looks a bit clouded over, but these cooler days are perfect. Of all the seasons and temperatures, what we call 'sweatshirt weather' is our fave.