Sunday, October 31, 2021


Remember the 1962 hit MONSTER MASH"I was working in the lab late one night/When my eyes beheld an eerie sight....."  The beat of that song made for fun dancing back in our teen hop days.  Some melodies and words stay locked in the brain for decades, only a hint retrieves 'em immediately.  Man, those days were the best for our generation.  Always say the baby boomers were a special bunch of post-war babies.  Now, our time is over and new and unfamiliar morals and practices have replaced ours.  Aging is a challenge, and it takes what I call moxie to survive.

Today we celebrate Halloween and all its horrors.  Personally, never was one to watch horror movies or read books like Steven King novels.  That genre is best left to other braver souls.  Haunted houses never appealed to me either.  

Violent modern-day movies are terribly disturbing, and what takes place in the movies is actually becoming part of real life.  That's what's so scary.  Turn on the telly and the first thing we hear is a murder here, multiple murders there, rioting, violent destruction, and god knows what all.  It's a whole new world out there, and like it or not, we're not as safe as we once thought we were.  For those reasons, I'm happy to be the age I am.  When that final lap is finished, it'll be okay.  There's no doubt, one lifetime wears a person out.

We're spending a quiet Sunday at home with the fuzzy one.  He's sprawled out on the floor soaking up the sunshine coming through the patio doors.  The door is open a bit to let in the crisp air.  A great deal of the beautiful leaves have fallen, yet there are trees that are still brilliant rust, orange and gold.  The closing chapters to the season.  The time of the year when people go sight-seeing simply to look at the colors of the leaves.  From where I'm sitting I see one small white frothy cloud on a backdrop of baby blue.

"This is October for me:  Withdrawing into my own world, blocking out everything except the beauty of the season, my reflections and my relationship with the Great Spirit, I find that this is enough to sustain me through the long, cold winter......and beyond."