Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Houston Astros - Atlanta Braves

Tonight's the first night of the World Series......Texas Astros and Atlanta Braves.  The boyfriend and I have a friendly bet of a Chinese dinner.  He took the Braves, and I took the Astros.  It's a silly win-win, but I'm in it for blood.

Used to bet with the guys at the office when it was Super Bowl Time and World Series.  Usually luck was on my side, and I whomped 'em.  OMG.  Talk about the time of my life.  My mother and I would get in on pools, she was the gambler in the family.  I inherited a titch of her gusto, but the hubby has zero gambler in his blood.  If I'm in a casino, I take $20 and try my luck.  Mom would say, how can you expect to win if you don't try!  Last time my $20 won me $187 and I cashed out right away.  If I win, I stop.  Am a cautious one, don't ya know!

Just called one of my former co-workers and offered him a $20 bet, he pick the team he wants.  YAY, he took the bet on the Braves.  I've got the Astros.  At least that gives me a good reason to watch all the games.  It takes such a little effort to insert fun into one's life.  A $20 bet isn't going to make me or break me, but sure will give both of us some laughs.  Only special friends are betting buddies.  We don't mind losing to them.  All for fun.