Wednesday, October 6, 2021


Back when Covid had us closed down, an upper tooth on the right side broke in half.  Being there was no pain involved, I let it go until now.   This afternoon at 1 o'clock I'll be sitting in the dentist's reclining chair getting a crown.  Have had more than my share of dental work and dental surgeries, and I'm still the frightened little girl.  

Switched to a new dental clinic.  Am more than pleased with my new dentist, dental assistant, and hygienist.  Kindness and compassion are what I look for most in those who care for my physical being.  When I explained that I'm really a child wearing adult clothes, he assured me I could have nitrous oxide to help me through the jack-hammering of what's left of my tooth.

When we were kids, the local dentist's office was up a flight of stairs.  Like it was yesterday, I remember walking up those steps to the torture chamber.  This was before novocaine.  Getting a cavity filled was a horrible experience.  Kindness and compassion hadn't yet been invented.  When he'd tell me to spit in that white round thing, I wanted desperately to spit in his face, kick him in the gonads, jump outta the frickin' chair, and run down those steps back home.  But, mother was with me, and I couldn't do anything that would bring shame to the family name.

A few weeks ago when the new hygienist cleaned my teeth, she asked what flavor polish I'd like.....cinnamon, mint or grape.  You gotta be kidding me.  My mind pictured a grape popsicle, so I was quick to request the grape-flavored polish.  Yup, things have changed a whole lot since we were kids.

What's really cool is the fact that the clinic makes the new tooth while I'm there this afternoon.  There's no having to return three times to get the tooth.  Now, it's a one-stop deal, to the tune of $1,200+.  If I pay with cash or check, there's a 10% discount.  Woo-hoo.  The nitrous oxide costs $70, but, hey, it's worth it.  Figure I might as well take all the perks and privileges wherever I can, whenever I can.  Plus, I know darned well this is gonna be the only kinda crown I'm ever gonna get.