Friday, October 1, 2021


To my prior faithful blog readers, welcome back to my world.  Not all of you know the reason for my putting a halt to my writing, so I shall let you in on the unfortunate experience.

To put it in a nutshell, after 15 years of blog writing, my blog and I were harshly slammed (by a lifelong friend through emails and personal letter) for my political preferences.  The experience shocked and hurt me to the core, the friendship disappeared, and my bruised heart tossed writing to the winds......not a wise thing for me to have done.  Writing has been my passion since a little girl, and I'm gonna be true to myself, no matter what anyone else thinks.  It's called perseverance.  Please know that I welcome blog comments from my readers.  Absolutely love 'em.

Since my last post, I've celebrated a milestone birthday, have been tangled in artsy projects while Covid has had us spending a lot of time at home.  The world has been kinda like the old game of 52-card pickup.  Lots of turmoil out there, making this a divisive time in history.  Each of us adapts to the societal changes in our own way.

Prisms and polka dots was inspired by the sparkly sun catchers that I design.  Every day when the morning sun comes through our east patio doors, we have prisms and polka dots and rainbows dancing on our walls, floor and furniture.  Vintage jewelry is the inspiration for my sun catchers.  I order on e-Bay, buy in thrift stores, discarded vintage jewelry.  I take the pieces apart, thoroughly clean, and give every bead, brooch, and chain a new life.  To give an idea of what I'm talking about, here are a couple of photos taken a few minutes ago.

So much for today.  Wanted to publish a post so I can resume where I left off.  Sometimes it's okay to take a break, prioritize our feelings and get a fresh perspective.  Ta-ta.


  1. So glad to have you back. I missed those posts.

  2. I want to add I love the colors in the window and that chair. Where did you find that cushion?

  3. What a pleasant surprise! I'll be checking in daily.

  4. So glad you're back!! Missed your blog and miss you both!!❤❤

  5. Good Morning my Darling and Dearest Friend,
    So many times lately I wished we had been together, having a really tough time, although I think of our very special times together so that has helped.
    I'm so sorry you had a bad experience, I too had one several years think this person was a dear friend, they did not agree with some things in my life. I was told we don't need people in our life that are that way!
    You are so beautiful and I love you with all my heart!

  6. Alice.....hi, thanks for your kind words. The chair cushions were ordered online from Walmart. Got two of them. They fit our chairs perfectly. They've been out in the sun all summer and haven't faded a bit. We really like em, too. ~L

  7. Mary Ann......happy to have you back onboard. Enjoy your new home! ~L

  8. Robin.....hey, sweet girl, good to hear from you. Thanks for following my craziness! ~L

  9. Oh, Suzie....SO good to hear from you. Yes, I think of you all the time, wondering how you're doing. You've had far too much sorrow in your life.
    I cherish the memories of our times together. Even though they were years ago, they remain dear to my heart, always will. Thanks for leaving a comment. ~L

  10. I didn't get a chance to welcome you back Leanne! So glad you are back Bonnie and I missed your daily Blogs. Don't let negative people get to you.... You are a Gift to the World!!!

  11. Doug and Bonnie.......sending smooches and hugs to you both. ~L

  12. Welcome Back - I wondered what had happened. I really like the new title, the reason, and especially, that beautiful prismatic heart at the top.

  13. I am soooo sorry that you of all people had to go through something terrible like that! I for one am glad you found your way back to your passion! Love you Auntie Toots!

  14. Tall's good to be back. Yup, the experience was a real slammer, but, you know, a person just can't give anyone that much power over us. We gotta keep truckin' onward and not lose ourselves. ~L

  15. Yes, Little Red, it was a bummer. We're never too old for life to smack us a good one. Taught me a good lesson, that's for sure. ~AT
