Am happy as a clam cuz little fuzzy one was just dropped off for two nights.
Scored yesterday on an e-Bay order. Have been ordering Agatha Christie books one at a time. Found a lot of 22 of her books for $32.50, but sent the seller an offer of $25. Seller accepted my offer, so I'm getting 22 Agatha Christie books for $25 plus $7.50 shipping. That's what I call a real haul. That's $1.48 per book. Pretty hard to find cheaper entertainment anywhere!Cloudy, light mist today. Quite cool. Fun day to have the fuzzy one here with us. He'll be returning in a week and staying for two weeks. My readers must get tired of me talking about Cuddy, but he's so dear to me and it's difficult not to write about him. I ordered his Christmas present......a box of 130 teenie Greenies. They're expensive, but he's worth every penny. That'll be for while he stays for a longer time this winter. He is so funny. After his puppy food supper, he'll come to me and then run over to where the Greenies are stored. Such a little twink.
Have started my winter exercise program. Venny's exercise room is top drawer with the neatest machines and weigh-lifting equipment. There's one where you sit and stretch your legs forward and peddle. Has a fan to keep me cool, counts calories, distance, has different levels of endurance, and I love it. My goal is to do 30 minutes every day all winter. Hopefully, that'll get me back into shape after the Covid crackdown. The exercise room is only steps away from our unit, so there are absolutely zero excuses for not using the amenity.
Nothing earth-shattering in my corner. I watch You Tube streams where people from across the U.S. join together to chat. It's like Skype. Have watched the same ones so often, it feels like they're personal friends. I've emailed one of the gals who lives in Massachusetts. Really nice people. They discuss everything from recipes to current craziness. They're real people sharing their lives. Who'd ever guess a person can be with people while not being with people.
Best pay attention to the little man. He's giving me kisses now, so I'm on cloud nine. Ta-ta.