Sunday, October 31, 2021


Remember the 1962 hit MONSTER MASH"I was working in the lab late one night/When my eyes beheld an eerie sight....."  The beat of that song made for fun dancing back in our teen hop days.  Some melodies and words stay locked in the brain for decades, only a hint retrieves 'em immediately.  Man, those days were the best for our generation.  Always say the baby boomers were a special bunch of post-war babies.  Now, our time is over and new and unfamiliar morals and practices have replaced ours.  Aging is a challenge, and it takes what I call moxie to survive.

Today we celebrate Halloween and all its horrors.  Personally, never was one to watch horror movies or read books like Steven King novels.  That genre is best left to other braver souls.  Haunted houses never appealed to me either.  

Violent modern-day movies are terribly disturbing, and what takes place in the movies is actually becoming part of real life.  That's what's so scary.  Turn on the telly and the first thing we hear is a murder here, multiple murders there, rioting, violent destruction, and god knows what all.  It's a whole new world out there, and like it or not, we're not as safe as we once thought we were.  For those reasons, I'm happy to be the age I am.  When that final lap is finished, it'll be okay.  There's no doubt, one lifetime wears a person out.

We're spending a quiet Sunday at home with the fuzzy one.  He's sprawled out on the floor soaking up the sunshine coming through the patio doors.  The door is open a bit to let in the crisp air.  A great deal of the beautiful leaves have fallen, yet there are trees that are still brilliant rust, orange and gold.  The closing chapters to the season.  The time of the year when people go sight-seeing simply to look at the colors of the leaves.  From where I'm sitting I see one small white frothy cloud on a backdrop of baby blue.

"This is October for me:  Withdrawing into my own world, blocking out everything except the beauty of the season, my reflections and my relationship with the Great Spirit, I find that this is enough to sustain me through the long, cold winter......and beyond."    

Saturday, October 30, 2021


This is what one calls a perfect weather day!  Sun shining, no wind, temps in the high 50s, and we're invited to a patio birthday party with a bonfire.  It's a very special birthday, so we're excited.

Reminds me of our camping days.....nothing so soothing as the smell of a camp fire.  Sometimes we drive through local campgrounds, roll our car windows down, so we can take a few deep breaths of the smoke permeating the air.  One of the joys of autumn.

Have been spending time on Pinterest, looking for recipes that coincide with the season.  Our taste buds must be tuned into the calendar, cuz lately find myself hungry for comfort foods like chicken and dressing casseroles, pecan pie, pumpkin desserts and sweet potato casserole with marshmallows and chopped pecans on top.  

Am not one to invest a lot of time in making foods.  Will take short-cuts every time.  Like the recipes that start with a cake mix and go from there.  Store-bought pies from the freezer section have brought compliments I didn't deserve.  Sometimes the ingredients cost more than just buying a ready-made.  Krusteaz Cranberry-Orange muffin mix makes the best loaf of cranberry-orange bread.  Simple and people rave about it.  A loaf makes a perfect hostess gift.  The other kinds of Krusteaz are equally as good, like the banana and poppyseed-lemon.  

Gotta share the pictures texted to me last night.  These are my two adorably sweet fur-nieces, Millie and Maggie.  They're sisters.......

 And their St. Bernard brother, Wilson.....

Both sides of the family are crazy about canines.  They are considered part of the family, just like those of us classified as humans.  Actually, in some instances, the canines are far superior to us when it comes to loyalty and love.  That comes from personal experience, tried, tested and true.

Suppose I'd best start getting ready for the birthday party.  Have to wrap the presents that I hope will bring the birthday girl a giggle or two.  Anytime we can make another person smile or laugh, well, then we've done our job on earth for the day.  And, smiles are needed more than ever now.  By all of us.  Don't care what color we are, what belief system we prefer, or what part of the planet we live on.  Something feels out of kilter with the world, especially the U.S.   That's why we can't let go of laughter and silliness.  Maybe society has cremated common sense, but we can't allow that to happen to our sense of humor.  Not ever.  Never ever.

Friday, October 29, 2021


Detective Jack Frost
Happened upon another British detective series on You Tube.  It's called A Touch of Frost.  Detective Frost is an eccentric fellow, tending to do things his way.  He's previously been shot in the head and wears the scar on his left temple.  As feisty as he can be, there's a hint of compassion and kindness.  Think I'm in for a lot of hours of Jack Frost.

Watching British movies feels foreign, cuz they drive their cars on the left side of the road, whereas we in America drive on the right side.  British drivers sit in the right front seat, which in America is the passenger seat.  Love the English accent and terms they use, such as 'bloke' referring to a man, they call their toilets 'loos,'  a 'quid' is a pound, similar to our dollar, 'mate' is a good friend, and 'daft' is being somewhat stupid.  

Many times Detective Frost refers to ladies as 'love.'  He has a sly way of putting his suspects at ease.  He's a character created to entertain, and I can't help but love the guy.  You Tube has quite a few of the episodes, and it's terrific entertainment on these cloudy, overcast days.  

In about a half hour I'll be getting a text saying that Cuddy is on his way.  He'll bring his suitcase, food, toys, bed, and his daddy's t-shirt that's like his blankie.  His water dish is filled, and we're ready for two weeks of over-drive loving.  Got up early, the boyfriend swept the floors for beads.  The last batch of beads are now washed, soaked, rinsed and dried.  Gotta share a secret.....yup, I ordered a purple translucent necklace and five smaller translucent necklaces.  Made offers to the sellers, which they accepted.  Not all my offers are accepted, but are counter offered.  Some I accept, others I decline.  Frugal to the bone.

Think I forgot to say that one day I found a quarter on the street.  Talk about a germ carrier.  Took it in the car and doused it and my hands with Germ-X.  Would've done the same if it had been a penny.  So often I've had dreams where I find coins along the road where I'm walking.  Maybe that's why finding a coin gives me a giggle.

Actually looks like it could snow.  Rained a little here yesterday.  Years back the trick or treaters walked the streets on a rainy evening, which really added a spookiness.  So many memories of Halloween and how we dressed up to be silly.  Last couple of years Covid has adversely affected the gathering and partying.  There will always be a little girl living inside of me, but the years erased my face and put another in its place.  Actually, I could go out as myself now and feel like I'm wearing a mask!

Just got the text.  My little boy will be arriving in six minutes.  Gotta go.  Like the British say.......ta-ta.

Thursday, October 28, 2021


One of today's news headlines reads, "what is the difference between a graveyard and a cemetery?"  Leaves one to understand the plight of the news reporter struggling to write articles related to the current holiday.  

A few years ago four of us girls went for an over-night getaway.  One of 'em suggested the ghost tour, and my heart stopped beating.  My reluctance was outnumbered, and I remember handing over three $10 bills for the unwanted experience.  One of the places the guide took us to was a cemetery.  People reportedly have taken photos there that showed orbs hovering over the gravestones...orbs that can't be seen by the naked eye.  Well, this girl took no pictures and kept my thoughts to myself.  Sorry, can't buy into that ghost and spirit stuff.  My hope was that the guided tour around town and in supposed haunted houses would not plant any terrifying ideas in my head.  

Back to the difference between a graveyard and cemetery.  To sum up the article, a graveyard refers to a resting place on church grounds.  A cemetery refers to separate burial grounds, generally not tied to a specific place of worship.  

Here's another tidbit I just came you know what a taphophile is?  It's a person who is interested in cemeteries, funerals and gravestones.  Another name for a taphophile is a 'tombstone tourist.'

Oh, there's a world of interesting things to learn about cemeteries, graveyards and tombstones.  "If you see the word WOW on a gravestone, you have found the burial place of a former member of the Woodmen of the World, an American Fraternal Insurance Company that was said to have given widows $100 and a free gravestone if the company logo was put on the stone.  The WOW emblem is a sawed-off tree stump, often with a mallet or beetle, an axe, and a wedge."

My question.....what's a beetle got to do with it?  Come to find that a mallet is a small maul with a short handle, used especially for driving a tool, as a chisel.  A beetle can be a type of mallet with a large wooden head, used to drive wedges.

We've seen these gravestones that look like sawed-off tree stumps.  They're quite common to see.  However, we've never looked for the  WOW logo, but that's a good reason for us to be tombstone tourists so we can check out this bit of history.

So many traditions are being changed these days, perhaps it's time they changed cemeteries and graveyards to STONE GARDENS.  That's just my opinion.  

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Tis a windy day......wonder if maybe we're seeing remnants of the bomb cyclone that hit the west coast.  See where a Nor'easter is causing high winds and rain on the upper east coast.  Mother Nature is not happy, and when Mother ain't happy, nobody's happy.  (Isn't that what THEY say?)

The tree branches are gyrating, and the hanging bird waterer has swayed the water out.  Feels cozy being inside listening to wind.  The boyfriend is working on a project in the workshop, replacing a board on the back side of a curio cabinet in the fireplace room. 

Worked all day yesterday sorting my translucent beads by color.  Separated the colors in zip-lock bags.  Before that I had all the beads mixed together.  Honestly think I have an obsession with this certain type of bead.  I'm constantly searching for them on eBay, bargains, of course.  Gave our neighbor lady a sparkly for her birthday on Monday.  Last evening she called to thank us and say how pretty the beads are when the morning sun shines in her window.  Just what I bring sunshine into someone's day.

Have faithfully gone to the exercise room the last eight days for my 30-minute workout on the recumbent bicycle.  Take an Agatha Christie book along, and when I finish reading two chapters the 30 minutes are up.  This is by far my favorite piece of exercise equipment I've ever used.  Can't stand tread mills, and the regular exercise bikes hurt my back.  The recumbent works the lower half of my body.  Lord, please keep me pumped to every day stop whatever I'm doing at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and head down the hall.  Amen. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Houston Astros - Atlanta Braves

Tonight's the first night of the World Series......Texas Astros and Atlanta Braves.  The boyfriend and I have a friendly bet of a Chinese dinner.  He took the Braves, and I took the Astros.  It's a silly win-win, but I'm in it for blood.

Used to bet with the guys at the office when it was Super Bowl Time and World Series.  Usually luck was on my side, and I whomped 'em.  OMG.  Talk about the time of my life.  My mother and I would get in on pools, she was the gambler in the family.  I inherited a titch of her gusto, but the hubby has zero gambler in his blood.  If I'm in a casino, I take $20 and try my luck.  Mom would say, how can you expect to win if you don't try!  Last time my $20 won me $187 and I cashed out right away.  If I win, I stop.  Am a cautious one, don't ya know!

Just called one of my former co-workers and offered him a $20 bet, he pick the team he wants.  YAY, he took the bet on the Braves.  I've got the Astros.  At least that gives me a good reason to watch all the games.  It takes such a little effort to insert fun into one's life.  A $20 bet isn't going to make me or break me, but sure will give both of us some laughs.  Only special friends are betting buddies.  We don't mind losing to them.  All for fun.  

Monday, October 25, 2021


If asked my favorite color, the answer would be purple.  If asked my least favorite color, the answer would be orange.  Did you know that originally carrots weren't orange?  They were commonly purple.  It was in the 17th century when Dutch growers are said to have cultivated orange carrots as a tribute to William of Orange, who led the struggle for Dutch independence.  Years back we had orange life jackets, but don't remember ever wearing orange clothes.  Just do not gravitate to the color. 
Mother Nature would disagree with me, cuz She colored many of her creations with Her orange paints.....cantaloupe, fire flames, carrots, sweet potatoes, goldfish, butternut squash, monarch butterflies, tigers, orioles, oranges, tiger lilies, maple leaves, marigolds, goose beaks, clown fish, pumpkins, orange tabby cats, peaches, apricots, tangerines, egg yolks, to name a few.

Then there are prisoner's coveralls, traffic cones, traffic warning signs, the #5 plain orange billiard ball and the striped orange #13  billiard ball.  Deer hunters wear bright orange vests for safety reasons.

Interesting that the Blogger logo is orange.  

Sunday, October 24, 2021


Lovin' the cooler temperatures.  Brought out the blankie this afternoon to snuggle while reading and the boyfriend watched football and races.  At 4 o'clock went to the exercise room, came back, watched a movie, and now it's toddy time.  Hot chili for supper, which will top off our day.  Then it'll be time to settle in for the evening.

Saturday, October 23, 2021


Was looking on Pinterest when I came across this picture of vintage custard pie.  OMG, I'd do anything for a piece of my Mom's custard pie.  It was a recipe that was affordable to make back when we were kids, cuz we raised chickens for the eggs and milked cows for the milk.....the pie's two main ingredients.  Mom was one of the best cooks in the world, according to me.  Another of her doozies was homemade pecan pie.  She substituted hickory nuts for pecans, cuz we picked hickory nuts in the woods, cracked and picked out the nut meats for baking.  

Modern medicine has made us so self-conscious about eating sugar, that I'm not able to eat desserts anymore without pangs of guilt.  Kinda ticks me off.

Yesterday my Venny friend returned two Agatha Christie books he'd read, and I sent him home with another.  After I read 'em, I pass 'em on to him.  He brought me the coolest surprise.  A bag of perfect beads for making my sparkly sun catchers.  They spotted the unopened bags of beads in a thrift store, thought of me and bought 'em to give to me.  That fortune cookie the other night was right.....something wonderful did happen!

The boyfriend is going to run out to WM today.  I'm personally interested in knowing firsthand if there are empty shelves.  Our friends were in Sam's Club the other day, and there was no t.p.  Took this picture as proof.  That got me thinking about Wysi Wipes.  They are little individual tablets that you add water to and they magically turn into towelettes.  They're made for camping.  Much easier and compact than t.p.

Well, you know crazy me.  Got online and immediately ordered another brand of the same type wipe.  Think the ones I ordered are called Coin Tissues.  Even though we keep extra supplies on hand, this girl isn't gonna get caught with her pants down, if you get my drift.  All we're hearing these days is serious shortages coming.  My theory is to err on the side of caution.  

Many unexplainable things going on, like the cargo ships waiting out in the Pacific to be unloaded.  So much information swirling around us,  it's impossible to discern what's true, what's not true, and what's being exaggerated to scare us.   

The world feels weird and out of whack, and nobody's righting the wrongs. A person can't help but be troubled, especially those of us who were raised to take care of ourselves.  

Friday, October 22, 2021


One little tree out front of our unit is contributing its fair share to autumn's splendor.  I can't help but see it as a 'whisper amid the chaos.'

Thursday, October 21, 2021


Am happy as a clam cuz little fuzzy one was just dropped off for two nights. 

Scored yesterday on an e-Bay order.  Have been ordering Agatha Christie books one at a time.  Found a lot of 22 of her books for $32.50, but sent the seller an offer of $25.  Seller accepted my offer, so I'm getting 22 Agatha Christie books for $25 plus $7.50 shipping.  That's what I call a real haul.  That's $1.48 per book.  Pretty hard to find cheaper entertainment anywhere!

Cloudy, light mist today.  Quite cool.  Fun day to have the fuzzy one here with us.  He'll be returning in a week and staying for two weeks.  My readers must get tired of me talking about Cuddy, but he's so dear to me and it's difficult not to write about him.  I ordered his Christmas present......a box of 130 teenie Greenies.  They're expensive, but he's worth every penny.  That'll be for while he stays for a longer time this winter.  He is so funny.  After his puppy food supper, he'll come to me and then run over to where the Greenies are stored.  Such a little twink.

Have started my winter exercise program.  Venny's exercise room is top drawer with the neatest machines and weigh-lifting equipment.  There's one where you sit and stretch your legs forward and peddle.  Has a fan to keep me cool, counts calories, distance, has different levels of endurance, and I love it.  My goal is to do 30 minutes every day all winter.  Hopefully, that'll get me back into shape after the Covid crackdown.  The exercise room is only steps away from our unit, so there are absolutely zero excuses for not using the amenity.

Nothing earth-shattering in my corner.  I watch You Tube streams where people from across the U.S. join together to chat.  It's like Skype.  Have watched the same ones so often, it feels like they're personal friends.  I've emailed one of the gals who lives in Massachusetts.  Really nice people.  They discuss everything from recipes to current craziness.  They're real people sharing their lives.  Who'd ever guess a person can be with people while not being with people.  

Best pay attention to the little man.  He's giving me kisses now, so I'm on cloud nine.  Ta-ta.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Did anyone look at the Hunter's moon last night?  Was sitting in my retirement recliner looking out the window when I saw the moon first peek above a white cloud from a tiny bright speck to the full.  Called the boyfriend over so he could see this beautiful sight.  Brought back memories of being at Cadillac Mountain in Maine, sitting on the rocks waiting for the first sight of the sun in North America.  

My niece, Sheila Rae, is a sky whisperer, and she sent me a photo she took last evening.  I'm sharing it, cuz I know she won't mind.  We're kinda connected at the hip.  It's a stunning photo of what her eyes beheld.

Just learned something about my I-phone.  The photo that Sheila sent to me would not download into my Chromebook.  So, I did a bit of research and found how to take a screen shot.....simply press the volume button on the left side and the power button on the right side of my phone, and that takes a screen shot.  Yowza, it worked and allows me then to forward that photo to my email and from there download it.  For a couple of boppers, we sure do have fun with our cell phones.

Oh, sure, we realize that we can be tracked and the universe knows where we are at all times, but, hey, we're okay with that.  If we get lost, then it won't be any great shakes to find us.  Think we've stepped over another life line, cuz we're not buying into a lot of the hype.  Whatever works for us, hey, bring it on.  So much time is wasted away by worry, and lord knows, we can't do anything about anything anyway.  We've put life kinda on cruise control and will let life take us where destiny desires.

Have errands to run today, so we'll be out and about.  Looks a bit clouded over, but these cooler days are perfect.  Of all the seasons and temperatures, what we call 'sweatshirt weather' is our fave.



Tuesday, October 19, 2021


After yesterday's afternoon trolley, our car parked in the Dragon parking lot.  Hmmmmmmm........yuppers, a Chinese feast.  Haven't been there for over a year cuz of Covid, so this was one heck of a sweet deal.  Their buffet was extra delicious. 

Two kinds of shrimp plus prawn in their soft shell plus the fried rice, regular rice and the rest of the usual entrees.  The peppered prawn were to die for.  If we'd had hot butter to dip them in, they'd have tasted like lobster.  OMG.   Even though shrimp and prawn look alike, they are scientifically different.  They come from different branches of the crustacean family tree and are anatomically different.

Yes, we had seconds and savored every swallow.  According to my fortune cookie, something wonderful is going to happen.  As far as I was concerned, the meal was something wonderful, so think my fortune was fulfilled right then and there.

Sunday, October 17, 2021


Two of our Venny friends returned from a trip to visit national parks in Colorado and New Mexico.  The cliff dwellings have always interested me, so I followed their photos and videos closely.  Got me thinking about deserts in general.  

Neither of us are keen on the desert terrain.  It's great to see for the experience, but to spend time in those regions just isn't for us.  My 'wiggly' phobia simply does not allow me to be comfortable in places where they live.  Just the way it is.  The desert regions are fascinating, tho, and I'm able to absorb and appreciate their earthly contribution without actually being there.  

This map shows the world's desert and semi-desert areas that receive extremely low amounts of rain.  These desert regions make up about one-third of the Earth's surface. 
  • The original meaning of the word desert is an abandoned place.
  • The Sahara Desert in northern Africa spans 12 countries.
  •  The Gobi Desert in north China is growing at a fast rate because of humans cutting down forests, droughts and other environmental factors.
  • The overall size of deserts is increasing .  Around 46,000 square miles of land are turned into desert every year.  Human forest clearing is one reason.
  • In defense of my 'wiggly phobia,' the most fierce wiggly  in the desert is the inland taipan found in the deserts of Australia.  Some scientists consider it the most venomous wiggly in the world.  A single taipan bite can inject enough venom to kill 80 men...20 times worse than venom from the king cobra.
  • The sidewinder rattler is another dandy desert dweller.  (Can't even type the s____ word.  Creeps me out.
The boyfriend is watching the Packers and Bears game.  Our patio door is open to let the fresh air in.  A chicken is in the crockpot for supper, so it's gonna be a lazy afternoon at our house.  Can't beat it with a stick!  

Saturday, October 16, 2021


Just took this photo that shows why I named this blog Prisms and Polka dots.  These dots dance on our walls when the sun shines on my beaded sun catchers.  The different colored beads shine in different colored dots.  

You know me and research.  Here's the scoop on polka dots......

  • The Lega people of Western Africa hold a manhood right of passage, where a young man painted in white dots, knocks persistently on a polka-dotted door until it opens.
  • In Medieval Europe, irregular spots on fabrics reminded people of skin blemishes and diseases. Dotted patterns didn't become popular until machines could make them perfectly spaced.
  • It's not certain whether the modern term 'polka dot' comes from the polka dance craze that swept through Europe in the mid-19th century.  The dance is Bohemian in origin.  Some say polka comes from the Czech pulka which means 'half,' referring to the polka dance's small steps.
  • Remember dotted Swiss fabric? 
  • In Spanish dots are called little moons.
  • The term 'polka dots' to refer to a spotted fabric first appeared in 1857 in a Philadelphia-based women's magazine.
  • Frank Sinatra's first hit in 1940, "Polka Dots and Moonbeams" captured the polka dot trend of the era.
  • Polka dot clothing hit the runways of Paris in the 1940s when Christian Dior debued his New Look line featuring heavily dotted fabric.
  • All of us baby boomers remember Brian Hyland's "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini."
  • In 1961, Disney debuted a new polka dotted outfit for Minnie Mouse.
  • Mister Polka-Dot was a character in a 1962 comic.  He wore a skin-tight costume covered in colorful polka dots that would swell up into deadly weapons at the push of a button.  He used a getaway car called the Flying Polka Dot.
  • How about the polka dots on the Wonder Bread sack.
  • There's even a Polka-Dot Wasp Moth that's native to the Caribbean Islands.
  • In the original production of Adventures of Raggedy Ann and Andy, Ann is wearing a polka dot dress.  
Have to stop to think if I have any polka-dot clothes.  Yup,  have a navy blue nautical-look top with small white polka dots.  Do you have any polka dots in your closet?

Friday, October 15, 2021


Being raised by parents who lived through the Great Depression, I learned early on the meaning of the phrase WASTE NOT.....WANT NOT.

Yesterday on You Tube I came across Clara's Great Depression Cooking.  Clara is in her 90s when she makes her videos and shares the simple recipes used to feed families in a time of poverty.  After watching a few of Clara's, I ventured onto other YT videos and came across a recipe that I'd never heard of.  

Think how bad it must've been for people to make broth out of sweet corn cobs.  Instead of throwing the cobs away after cutting off the sweet corn, they boiled 'em in water and added a bit of butter.  The result was a sweet broth served with broken Saltine crackers.  Let the world laugh, but next sweet corn season I'm gonna try this corn broth.  It'll be a momentary visit to the past. 

There's a lot of talk about possible food shortages in our near future.  Don't know whether it's fake news or real news, but it's important to consider possibilities.  Imagine the younger generations today having to eat corn cob soup.  It wouldn't bother me in the least, because I was raised to make the absolute most out of everything......whether it's food, money, time, etc.  One of the first life lessons taught to me was to save, save, save.  If I made a dollar, I put away a dime.  If I made ten dollars, I put away one.  Biblical tithing has more than one interpretation.

Both my boyfriend and I were raised by mothers who were good old-fashioned cooks.  Good food was a way for them to show their love.  The more we ate, the better they liked it.  I'd have to really sit and think hard to come up with a food we wouldn't eat. Cottage cheese is not my favorite, yet I love it in jello and in lasagna.  As for the boyfriend, well, he's as easy to please as it gets.  

We're not sure when Cuddy, our baby dumpling, is going back home.  He came a week ago today, and they thought they'd be gone for a week.  It's so funny, they ask us if they can pick him up.  One time Cuddy's mommy texted and asked if they could pick him up and take him back to his 'prison.'  They know we treat their little man like he is our own.  Believe me, it's not easy giving him back.  It takes me a couple of days to get over his absence.  He's a little twink.

Think today I'm gonna take apart some old beaded jewelry, soak the beads in hot water and Dawn soap overnight, so tomorrow I can make something I have in mind to give to my personal physician.  He could be my son, so why not treat him like one.  I love giving things to appreciative others.

Time to refill the coffee cup.  Ta-ta.

Thursday, October 14, 2021


One of my Venny friends has a beautiful dining table made out of a cracked wooden slab filled with a green epoxy inlay.  I'd not seen a table top like this before, so I had to ask if I could take a photo. This truly is the most unique table ever.  Besides its stunning patterns, it's smooth to the touch. 

Sometimes when I get down in the dumps, I make an effort to think about our world's magnificent miracles.  Our Creator hid them inside of trees, on the underside of flowers, and it's up to us to take a closer look at all things of Nature.  Next time you cut up a kiwi, be sure to notice the pattern of the black seeds.

Despite the world's current ugliness, Mother Nature is a beautiful lady of substance.  Sadly, there are those who will live a long life and will leave this earth without ever really seeing it.  Growing up on a farm was my first gift, cuz farming is a hands on, up close and personal experience with plants and animals.  We learned to nurture both kingdoms.  

Instead of dwelling on the Great Divide of our Nation, I focus on Nature, because that's about the only real thing we can still depend on to be real.  Studying the patterns in nature gives me a sense of stability, a spiritual something to hold onto.  There are days one must work a bit harder at living and feeling like all will be okay.     

Underside of a Water Lily

Underside of a Mushroom

Inside of an Agate

Outside of a Seashell

Face of a Tiger

Scales on a Fish

Feathers of a Pheasant

Wings of a Flutterby
Petals of a Flower
Don't know how many fish I've scaled in my younger years, but must admit to never looking closely at the scales, their patterns, and their colors.  It's that business of seeing something, but not truly seeing it.  That's one thing about retirement.....more time to observe the things that inspire and lift our thoughts to higher ground.  

One of the favorite things in my life was to walk barefoot along a beach looking for sea shells.  That is one thing that I could do every day.  Squish the wet sand between my toes, feel the cool water wash over my feet.  

Wednesday, October 13, 2021


The boyfriend is reading the daily paper, and I'm fiddling around on the laptop.  Sir Cuddy has been outside and is laying on the floor.  

My trip to the dr. went very well.  Numbers were good.  My cousin had sent me a short video about a Colonoscopy to Music, so I shared it with both the nurse and doctor.  Hey, they need some laughs in their day, too.  Probably more than the rest of us. Can only imagine how obstinate some people must be to treat.  Next appt. is in six months.  By the time that appointment rolls around, it'll be April.

The male nurse who weighed me and took me back to the exam room wore a man bun......and, I love 'em.  He told me it was so good to hear a compliment instead of criticism.  When he weighed me, I politely asked him not to share the number.  He was so sweet.  He said, hey, you're okay.  The average weight gain during Covid is between 15 and 30 pounds.  

Between lab work and appointment, I had an hour to kill.  Went down to the cafeteria cuz I'd been fasting for 12 hours.  Had a cup of coffee and a chicken salad wrap.  Visited with a gal who works in rehab.  

Dale stayed home with Cuddy while I drove to the clinic.  It's so seldom that I go anywhere by myself.  When I was finished, I could've gone anywhere I wanted, but instead I came right back home.  Nowhere else I'd rather be.  My boys were waiting, as were my recliner and books.  When we were young, we were always venturing outside our comfort zone, but it's different now.  All things have different values now than they did back then.  

Think I'm gonna make a taco salad for lunch.  Lettuce, chopped green onion, jalopeno peppers, tomato, grated cheddar cheese, sour cream, medium taco sauce, topped with crushed spicy Doritos.  Sometimes add black olives.  When we have taco salads for supper, then we add meat and taco seasonings.

After lunch, will kick back and read Agatha Christie's fourth book, The Man In the Brown Suit, copyrighted in 1924The pages of my later publication are  yellowed.  

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


One of my Venny friends loaned me the 760-page book Russka.  Spent most of yesterday with my eyes reading page after page of 1,800 years of Russian history.  The bookmark is right now at page 372.

A hardcover book this size gets heavy in one's hands, but that's okay.   Have read the Harry Potter series, War and Peace by Tolstoy, all of Henry David Thoreau's Journals, Anna Karenina by Tolstoy,  The Far Pavilions, the OT and NT, The Pillars of the Earth, and scads more long and difficult reads. 

Today I have a 2 o'clock doctor's appointment, including fasting blood work at 1:00.  Yuck.  This is the annual Medicare check-up.  Will get my annual flu shot at the same time.  We've gotten both of our Moderna Covid vaccines and both shingles shots.  Can only imagine that some of my numbers will be screwy.  The ones that should be high will be low, and the low ones will be high.  Before the nurse weighs me, I tell her to keep the number to herself.  If it's really outta whack, the doctor will kindly and compassionately tell me to walk more.  Been through the gig hundreds of times.  I figure if I was a foot taller, I'd be perfect. 

Thank heavens we reach a point in life where GUILT eases into I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S PATOOTY.  With nearly 8 billion of us evolutionized monkeys walking the earth, I doubt very much whether anyone cares how I look.  When we reach a certain age, we're tossed into one big dumpster tagged OLD.  We become old men and old ladies.  Our attitude becomes our only defensive weapon.  Last winter I bought myself an I DON'T CARE print on white.  It's my favorite and can't wait for cold weather so I can wear it.

The day is overcast again.  The sun is trying to peek through the clouds, with little luck.  I've just got to get myself from now until about 3:30 this afternoon, and then I can celebrate the day.....barring no big discoveries at doc's office.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for the doctors who take care of my health...some of the world's finest, and they're cherished.  Despite all the crap that life doles out to each of us, I'm incredibly blessed.  Not one day in my life have I gone hungry or thirsty, I've always had clothes and shelter, wonderful people and pets to laugh and cry with, and books in which to burrow my brain.  And, to top it off, a blog where I can share my life with the dearest of the dearest.  Ta-ta.

Monday, October 11, 2021


Seeing deer in house yards is common where we live.  The other afternoon we were driving around town, and we saw something we'd not seen before.

Yup, a deer drinking out of a bird bath.  

We parked along the street for a few minutes, watching her drink.  It was the sweetest sight ever.  I always say, we never know what's ahead.  Just have to keep our eyes open to find these special moments.

This morning they're doing routine testing of the fire alarms at Venny.  The alarms are loud and shrill.  Poor little Cuddy is shaking.  Dale's sitting with him out on the deck, where he's settled down. 

Dale's reading the daily paper.  Yesterday we didn't get the Cedar Rapids Sunday paper.  For whatever reason, they've moved from Cedar Rapids to Des Moines, and we're having nothing but problems with the delivery.  Yesterday the printing stuff in Des Moines broke down, so today we got both the Sunday and Monday papers.  We know this because Dale called 'em.  I'd imagine the physical newspapers will soon be a thing of the past, with online publications.  However, there's still something comforting about holding a newspaper in one's hands and working the puzzles.  I'm that way about books, too.  Much rather hold a book in my hands than read on a Kindle.  The older the book, the better.  

Sunday, October 10, 2021


 We were driving down the highway when we saw this lawn filled with flamingos.   Notice the pink and white HONK sign.

Isn't it interesting how we Americans are finding curious distractions, like this yard full of flamingos, to keep us sane in our insane society?   We may not realize it, but these bits of humor keep all of us grounded when it feels like the planet is one big balloon ready to burst.  Anyway, that's how I look at it.  

Actually feel kinda sorry for this awkward looking bird.  I try to imagine what it feels like to have knees that bend the opposite of ours.  The big beak, S-shaped neck and long spindly legs look like a bunch of reject parts that were thrown together. And, then there's the peculiar way they fold themselves up and tuck their beaks into their back feathers to sleep. 

All of Nature is inter-connected and dependent.  If we look closely at the way flamingos live, we can learn how to.........

Wade into life.
Stand out in a crowd.
Spend time with the flock.
Find the right balance.
Be flexible.
Keep our beaks clean.
Not be afraid to get our feet wet.

Saturday, October 9, 2021


 A froggy morning.  Looks like we could be in rural London.

We're invited out for the day, so I'm finishing up a poppyseed cake to take.  It's the Czech in me that keeps my Mom's recipe going.  Using a white Betty Crocker Super Moist cake mix, I stir it up according to directions and simply add lots of poppyseed.  For the frosting, I use two small boxes of instant lemon pudding.  Instead of four cups of milk, I use three.  Stir that up and in five minutes it thickens.  Then fold the Cool Whip in the pudding.  That's it.  Sometimes I sprinkle a few poppyseeds on top, sometimes I just leave it plain.  Makes a delish dessert, easy-peasy.

I've simplified Mom's way of making the frosting.  She used to first put the layer of lemon pudding on the cake, then top it with a layer of Cool Whip.  I mix the two together and actually prefer mine, which is lighter and fluffier. 

While we're gone, Cuddy will go down the hall to stay with Bob and Sharon.  They love the little bugger, and we're tickled pink to have a place for him to go.  We learned yesterday that Cuddy will be staying with us a good share of the winter.  We're going to put astro-turf down on the deck outside and try to get him to go potty out there over the snowy cold season.  Will be a reprieve for both Dale and Cuddy.  It's that business of simplifying life.  

I see the sun is trying to peek out of the clouds.  Will be a nice day for a trolley.  Yesterday I spent most of the day watching detective movies and reading.  Found a 3-part British crime drama on You Tube....Rose and Maloney.  Watched all three one-hour episodes and see now there's a second series for maybe tonight.  Rose and Maloney are the detectives and quite the characters.  Sure takes a person's mind off of reality, and that's a good thing for every mind these days when the world feels upside down and inside out. 

Yesterday we had a woodpecker visit our deck.  The photo I quickly snapped is blurred by the screen, but at least I captured the little sweet creature.  He pecked on our "unwrented" wren house.