Friday, April 1, 2022

 Well, he did it again.  After all the years, I'm officially an April fool three times in 2022.  

The first time he got me was after midnight.  The boyfriend went into the bathroom and came out all p.o.'d that there's water all over the bathroom floor.  Well, my brain was somewhere in Sri Lanka, and I bit like a fish.  My response was one of anxious frustration, an irksome combination of emotions.  Then came that shitty grim of his followed by "April Fools."

Stayed up alone till 3 a.m. once more watching Agenda Free updates on the two Ukrainian helicopters that managed to fly across the Russian border and drop missiles on eight oil tanks.  Boyfriend had eye doctor appointment at 8:50 this morning, so asked to let me sleep until he returns.  Which is what I did.  Next thing I know, he's waking me and I hear, "B called, and they're not bringing Cuddy until tomorrow.  In my half-sleep, my heart sank and my head fell back on the pillow.  THEN, I hear those words again, "April Fools."

If that wasn't enough, when I went to pour myself a cup of coffee, there was a wad of UNUSED toilet paper in my cup.  Jeezus, what a dweeb.  

I did manage to fool my Venny buddy that verbally spars with me through text messages every day.  His humor is as sick as mine, so we get along famously.  I texted him a bit of news that I thought would make his day.  Five minutes didn't pass and my phone was ringing.  It was he with a response to my April Fools text.  Yup, I got him hook, line and sinker.  When I told him my text was an AF joke, he called me a name I won't put down for posterity. him!!!!!

So it is that we open our doors to a new month.....the month that will bring showers and spring flowers.  Our patio door is open, and the fresh air is exhilarating.  Even though I've been duped three times already, something tells me I'm gonna fire back at some point.  May have to make my own fools day in order to outsmart the guy.  Man, he's a trickster.  

In an hour little fuzz bucket will return.  Gonna hop in the shower and get all freshened up for my little man.  Then I'm gonna spoil him royally rotten.  One thing for sure, when he comes to stay with us, he's gonna have fun, be safe, and be loved beyond the moon.  Please, dear readers, don't think I'm crazy by always writing about my white fuzzy loves.  By now, you know i'm deliriously in love with 'em.  My heart goes out to those who allow me to love their puppies.  

It's a blue sky day, with white puffy clouds floating around.  There's something about the sound of APRIL that puts a refreshing touch on one's soul.  As much as I love winter, gotta say it's good to see the change of seasons again.  My next big goal is to find trilliums in our secret spot alongside a creek about twenty miles from home here.  The thought of tiny hummingbirds flitting around the balcony lifts my spirits, too.  

Got a call yesterday, and our Venny friends are on their way back home from Arizona.  We pray for their safe return and await getting together, other than by long distance cell phone.  

Best scoot.  Be on the lookout for those jokesters who find glee in watching us take the bait as they dangle it before us.  Thank you, Great Spirit, for the gift of humor.  It's probably the biggest perk to this thing called Life.