Rainy Friday morning. Deck is wet, tiny drops of water roll down the patio door, and we're in our snuggery....my new word discovery from one of Conan Doyle's stories. The earth welcomes a nice slow rain, the kind that serves to make the grass grow and turn green.
Have made headway on my vintage key project. The brass door knob arrived in the mail. Had absolutely no idea how to incorporate it into the picture frame. Good thing there's a genius in the house. Yup, the boyfriend took the door knob down to the workshop, sawed off part of it, used high-powered glue to fasten it to the brass plate, and solved the how-to-do-it problem. Won't be long and another home-made design will be on our livingroom wall.
Sat out on the deck last evening, sipping a toddy, reading my new book "The Secret." Cuddy sat in his own chair beside me. Was trying to decide where we can hang a hummingbird house. Just this last week realized that hummingbirds will settle in little houses while they're here over the summer. Always wondered where the little winged ones make their nests. Gave up on attracting the wrens. The person below us gets wrens in her house, and would suppose it's jealousy on my part that causes the naughty thoughts to swirl around in my brain. If we could host hummingbirds, that'd be so cool. Wonder if they would have baby hummingbirds and wonder how tiny they'd be. A h-bird house will be my next acquisition.
Have a big bunch of beads and freshly cleaned vintage jewelry drying on a towel. Some of the beads are so tiny, think they'll probably be tossed. At this stage of the party, am not going to struggle to stick a needle through a bead that's teeny-weeny-tiny. The elastic on my patience stretches only so far.
The boyfriend left about 7 o'clock to buy groceries. We were up early, only because the fuzzy one needed to go outside at 6:30. My intention was to go back to bed, but the little twerp had a different idea. Lord knows, he's the boss around this joint.
Till the morrow.....ta-ta.