Sunday, April 10, 2022

Had a dream last night that lingers in the back of my mind.  In the dream, was going on a girl's day trip, and my hands were steering the wheel and eyes watching the road.  Dreams are odd, cuz the car I was driving had no map in the glove compartment nor built-in GPS.  There was no way for me to know which way to go, which roads to take, nothing.  The feeling of being totally lost was the main plot of the dream.

Thinking about it now, gives pause for good thinking.  None of us has a map to follow, nor a voice telling us which exit to take or which highway to follow.  Life is exactly like the dream that caused me to call the trip quits and go back home.

Every day each of us has to make small decisions, from what to wear to what kind of toothpaste to use.  Big decisions loom before us every time we leave home.  This puts the spotlight on the importance of good decision-making and learning from experience what to do that's in our best interest.  Even experience learned and passed on by another can be of critical importance to us at any given intersection of life.  

That's one blessing we seniors have in our pockets.....a wealth of life learning that serves as our GPS through life.  I'm still hearing each of my parents' individual words, telling me what they themselves learned the hard way.  And, those memories are what keep them with me along my way.  Read once that a person lives until the last person they knew dies.  Now I understand the wisdom in saying that.

Tomorrow we're going for a day trip to have our Subaru serviced.  Boy, things are changing out there in the big world.  The dealer we've bought three Subees from has been bought out by Nissan and all's changed.  Even the young guy we so enjoyed dealing with is moving out of state and securing a different job.  Car sales is another section of society that's really enduring problems.  Maybe this is where our senior set of brains holds the wisdom to know that one way or another, the consumer is gonna get the screw job.  Thank heaven we traded when we did, cuz we plan to never do so again.....unless some unforeseen something happens making it necessary.  The thought of electric cars gives me the willies.  What are they going to do?  Let us drive only so far as an extension cord will stretch?  

We have a $30 credit at Red Lobster from the time my meal at one of their restaurants was complaint worthy.  The company emailed me the credit, so we're going to see if this restaurant will honor it.  With the price of things, this chick is not going to let 30 bucks slip through her hands.  Hyper-inflation is on the way, and we all know that a recession follows.  Again, thank heaven that our parents were children of the Great Depression, and we learned how to cope with less and be okay.  The ones to worry about are those entitled and unemployed.  Their world just may be a doozy.  The best words I can pass on to those following my footsteps is to BE SMART.  Not book smart, but street smart.  There are a whole lot of not-so-smart people out there with an alphabet following their names.  Not saying that to be judgmental, but simply saying from personal observation and experience.

Must be windy out.  See the branches dancing.  Think I might sort out the beads that were gifted to me the other day.  It may sound silly to some, but keeping beads in individual containers isn't my way to rock.  Rather they all be jumbled together so when I'm making a bracelet, I can see all there are to choose from.  One shining example that sometimes it's okay to function in what some may call unorganized.  Have my craft supplies in labeled plastic drawers, and that'd be a fun project for a lazy Sunday afternoon.