Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Life never ceases to surprise me.......while sitting here wondering what on earth to write about today, an email magically appears with a sweet topic for the day.  Thank you, Robin, for the picture of your precious fur baby....

One thing for sure, cats are masters of relaxation, while we humans are struggling students of relaxation.  Cats know how and where to kick back, embrace the moment and not overthink things.  There's a saying that overthinking is best known for creating problems that aren't really there.  

Isn't it interesting that our pets know how to live........yet, we two-leggers consider ourselves the dominant species?   Drat to that, says the cat.     


  1. Pretty kitty. We don't have any pets but if we did, it would be a cat or a miniaature cocker spaniel with really wavy hair.

  2. So happy I could help!! I told Marty our cat was now famous!! 🥰
