Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Leaving the Subaru parking lot, we looked up and guess what we saw hovering a short way ahead?  Yuppers, a drone.  That was the first time we've ever seen one when we're out and about.  

After seeing this little thing being controlled from who knows where, it made me wonder what might be flying around looking into our windows at home, watching every move we make. As I understand, some drones are as small as flying insects.   Hmmmmm.  Maybe we'll start closing our livingroom blinds in the evening.  Took a quick pic for show and tell.  

Had a really good day trip.  Got our vehicle serviced, had another crash course explaining its techy features, had both our profiles programmed in with face identification.  When one of us gets in the driver's seat, it will read our face and position the driver seat and the rear-view mirrors.  Gotta love technology.  While we waited for our car, we each sat and enjoyed a French Vanilla Coffee, compliments of Subaru.  Couldn't believe I didn't take a book along, so worked crossword puzzles on my phone.  Simply cannot sit and do nothing.  

Arkansas got hit with tornadoes last night, and our weather here is supposed to turn ugly later today.  Got up about 9 and updated our 3-ring binder where we keep all of our records.  In the event of our untimely departure, our beneficiaries will have only one place to look to find everything to settle our affairs.  We've simplified so much.  I update this once every six months with the latest information.  Man, a good job done.  Now if it storms and we have to go to the underground garage, we can just grab our binder and go.  Guess one might call it our Bug Out Binder!