My Venny girlfriend, who loves making things like I do, gave me a box of the neatest old keys she'd collected over the years. She tied red ribbons on a key along with a handwritten note, "Here's a key to my heart." They were given to her lifelong special friends/family.
Like me, she has a stash of crafting supplies and needs to clear space. Now that the keys are mine, my brain is thinking of ways to create other things with 'em. The keys are soaking in a bowl of hot soapy water. With all things I repurpose, the first thing is to clean 'em. She also gave me a small box of old padlocks.
Our livingroom wall has one store-bought decoration that we bought when we moved to Venny. Would like to replace that with something one of us makes. That's how we roll. Handmade trumps store bought any day of the week.
There's a general Venny meeting this morning at 10. Got a text message yesterday asking if Cuddy could stay until tomorrow. Was going to attend the meeting by sitting on the top-floor looking down at the first floor, while holding Cuddy. Have decided not to attend, rather spend the time with him at home here. Dale is on the council, and he's the one who's in the leadership position. My presence would serve no extra purpose. Yup, me and my little boy will cuddle in the recliner. Am on page 920 of Sherlock Holmes, and that's the plan for my day.
Replanted the Christmas Cactus sprig that fell off Mabel. The clay pot is cracked. Fits my philosophy about finding the beauty in the broken. Watered the soil with onion-skin water. Since using that on the big plant, Mabel looks the best she's looked. Proof is in the pudding, so they say. Let's hope the sprig takes hold and grows so I can have two babies in the house. All my life my thumbs were anything but green, and here I am, an old lady, finding joy in nurturing leafy loves.
Another dismal day out there. Perfect Tuesday. Read that Tuesday is often the most productive day of the week for most people. Hmmmmm......