Took a couple days sabbitcal. Together, the boyfriend and I finished putting together the old-key project, and tomorrow's blog will have a photo. The glue is drying, and we want to give it ample time to dry well before hanging it up on the livingroom wall. Stay tuned.
Cuddy left yesterday for a 2-day break. His daddy picked him up so he could take him for a haircut today. Cuddy will return tomorrow looking like a skinned rabbit for the warmer weather. Bichons get too warm when their hair isn't kept short. Comfort's the main thing for the puppy's sake. He'll stay with us for a couple of weeks. It's the boyfriend who's in charge of the necessary outside business. It's not that I won't do it, but the boyfriend doesn't want me going outside and falling or being abducted by a Martian. He's a Protector. Plus, he and Cuddy have their routine down to where they know what they're doing. Kind of a guy thing.
We're having guests over for supper tomorrow night. Venny friends. Will be eight of us here for drinks, appetizers and supper. Placed an online order at our local Fareway Store for an 11 o'clock pickup time this morning. Man alive, groceries are expensive. While placing the order, I changed the menu about three times just because of the prices. At our age, it's also necessary to sometimes buy storebought rather than homemade. Some stuff costs more to buy the ingredients than to simply buy ready-made. Then, there's the time factor.
Another gloomy day out there, but the sun is trying to peek through the clouds. Quite chilly. We have the usual cleaning before company comes. Our table doesn't have room to seat eight, so a card table will be necessary to set up to it. Want everyone sitting at the same table so we can visit easily. We love entertaining and am glad that life's getting back to where it was before the pandemic. I still haven't gotten my booster shot, and the boyfriend is on me to get that done.....soon.
Yes, as said before, have morphed into a procrastinator. Proof positive that miracles do happen. Talk about a life U-turn. So many days the boyfriend laughs when I say, "Nah, let's wait till tomorrow."
Nuthin' too exciting going on, other than it's Monday once again. Have a few things on our agenda this week. One is an optometrist appointment for myself. Have a routine medical doctor appointment first week in May, but already the procrastinator in me is stirring the pot of thoughts that maybe I should cancel it and set it for a later date. Seems so stupid to go to the doctor when one is feeling fine. It's about blood tests and watching numbers. Love my young doctor to pieces, but it's just the business of dreading going to the clinic, being weighed, height measured, all the questions asked, the asking about one's mental health and if there are suicidal tendencies....that sort of stuff. Dislike waiting for the doctor, too. Maybe I'll wait until after June when he's decided to no longer be a baby doctor. It's been my good fortune to have a baby take priority over my appointment. A person goes through all the preparation, mentally and physically, to get the appointment over with.....then sit there and wait and wait, break out in a sweat, until the nurse comes in to say the doctor won't see me today cuz he's delivering a baby. That's when my blood pressure soars, anxiety sets in, hurting someone seems a viable option, and I end up feeling a hundred times worse than when I left home.
How much you wanna bet I'll end up canceling and rescheduling for maybe August or September. Maybe his schedule is full till November. Or December.