Thursday, April 21, 2022

Sounds like warmer temperatures will start up today.  The patio door is open a few inches, and the fresh air feels refreshingly cool.  Cuddy needed to go outside at 7, so we're up earlier than usual.  He's already been out on the deck, where he loves to walk and sprawl out and soak up Vitamin D, the 'sunshine vitamin.'  

A small unopened box is sitting on the kitchen counter.  Inside is the door knob that  I ordered on eBay to complete the project with vintage keys.  Don't ask how one fastens a door knob on a picture.....think maybe I didn't think this through enough.  Just thought a brass plate and door knob would be ideal.  All I've successfully done is create myself a problem that now needs solving.  We humans are good at doing that.  Today my plan is to play with the layout.  The deciding factor is the size of the frame.  

The boyfriend will be working in the Venny garden today.  Gardening was never my forte, so have nothing to contribute and would only be in the way.  Guess they've brought in a few local master gardeners to help situate the new dirt and put the raised beds in place.  Even if I wanted to help, the arthritis in my lower back tells me not to.  Took three Advil when I got up, so should be getting relief here pretty soon.  My trusty Advils....the only pain reliever that helps this girl.  

Had a kettle of chili for supper last night.  Like always, had a second helping.  Drat.  Don't know if I'll ever be able to conquer my superior taste buds.  When they like something, they love it and want more of it.  It's all their fault.

Can't think of anything newsy.  Spent yesterday with my nose in Conan Doyle's writings.  Oh, learned a sweet new word.  Snuggery.  Told Cuddy about the new word and from now on when he's here visiting, we'll call it the snuggery.  That's what's enjoyable about reading books written in another era.....the authors use words that have been put to rest.  Our language is constantly changing.  Notice how we talk differently than when we were kids.  Don't think my daddy would understand if I told him, "Hey, daddy, my mouse doesn't work."