Saturday, April 2, 2022


It's's snowing......and Cuddy's here.  Yuppers, light snow is falling, and the field out front is white.  Nobody can convince me that weather doesn't play a part in the pains that come with arthritis.  My lower back is definitely not happy.

Yesterday the boyfriend spent the afternoon outside, with two other Venniers, building raised garden beds.  The Venny garden is getting a big makeover this year.  Weather was perfect.  Cuddy and I walked out to take some pictures of the project for the April newsletter. 

Dale sawing boards for
raised garden beds
Then Cuddy and I went to visit his other set of Venny caretakers.  He loves going there, and immediately he scored two treats.  Stayed for awhile visiting and getting a few giggles in, along with sipping a glass of cold Chardonay.  The boyfriend bought fish at Kwik Star for an easy supper.  Then we three snuggle bugs spent a quiet evening.  My choice of YT videos was about Nannies and the Norland Nanny School in Bath, England, founded in 1892.  Prince Louis' nanny is a Norland Nanny, which is considered the best of the best and are the first to be chosen by royals and celebrities.  

The young men who train to be nannies are called 'mannies.'  Both nannies and mannies are expected to have extra skills.  Martial arts are taught to them to protect the child/children from potential kidnappers, as well as how to avoid paparazzi.  Trust is vital, and it's said you will never hear a Norland Nanny gossiping or recounting any experiences within their host famiy.  Many actually sign confidentiality agreements, ensuring this doesn't happen. 

Norland Nanny is a 3-year course, that includes assignments, both practical and theory.  When employed, a Norland Nanny is considered to be the highest sign of social standing.  Parents who want their children to achieve greatness often search for a Norland Nanny, but they pay very well for their services.   

Norland Nannies

Norland Nannies and Mannies in uniform
So many interesting things to learn about.  The word "nanny" has a whole new meaning to me this morning.  Can't help but wonder what the royal family pays the nanny that watches out for William, Charlotte and Louis.  Just imagine the responsibility she bears.

On with my day.  Ta-ta, as the British would say!