Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Guess who's returning this morning at 9 o'clock?  Yuppers, little Fuddy Duddy Cuddy Buddy.  His stay will be for about a week and a half, maybe two.  Absolutely cannot wait for the little guy to get back into his "our house" routine.  

Watched some stand-up comedy on YT last evening.  Not the raunchy kind, but down-to-earth funny stuff about life and how life relates to all of us in the same way.  The funniest are the things that we can all relate to, like being overweight.  Leanne Morgan and Karen Morgan are good.  Don't know if they're related.  Almost looks like they could be sisters. 

Took apart jewelry and have it soaking in soapy water.  Old jewelry comes with its lifeitme of what I call grease, grime and gopher guts.  One necklace was so old that the thread the beads were strung on was yellowish-brownish-oldish.  When I get done with the beads, they're bright spankin' clean.  

Ordered a couple more vintage filigree pins to make more suncatchers.  Also put in a $4 plus postage offer that was accepted for a 2-pound box of tangled jewelry.  The eBay photos show some neat beads that'll work for my designs.  It's the postage that costs the most.  Gotta be careful to watch what they charge for shipping.  If it's too high, I do not bid.  

Best make this short.  Want to shower and get presentable for the little man.   It's a cuddle kinda day, gloomy and dark.  Maybe read, with that fuzzy little pumpkin close beside me.