Had one of my marathon movie days yesterday. Watched all six episodes of Close & True, a British legal drama mini-series. Was the ideal way to spend a quiet Easter Sunday while the boyfriend watched car racing on the telly.
Don't have a game plan for the coming hours, but do want to fit in reading of Conan Doyle's "Tales of the Ring." An intriguing title that refers to a boxing ring. The book is made up of seven stories, 1,202 pages. A couple days ago I won the eBay bid on "The Secret." Tracked the shipping, and the book was in Louisiana last night. My winning bid was $1.75, shipping $3+. That one won't have so many pages, but hopefully its content will impart some life knowledge.
Once again have a mess around my retirement recliner. Goes with the territory. Have old jewelry waiting to be taken apart and cleaned, so just might tackle that today. With every new acquisition I try to toss some other thing so stuff doesn't take over. Some of the videos I watch are of people prepping and buying stuff like crazy. Their homes fill up and stuff takes on a life of its own. One thing for sure, my hobbies have a life of their own, and if I don't keep 'em in check, I get nothing else accomplished. When Our Creator put me together, he tossed in a very small portion of domesticity and second helpings of playful creativity. The other day when we drove some fifty miles to our Easter celebration, I about went nuts with nothing to do with my hands. The boyfriend politely asked me not to drag anything along and give myself a rest. So, I twiddled my thumbs. (There's an old-fashioned word...twiddle.) Don't think people twiddle much anymore.
Thirty-degree dismal day. Spring is having a tough time arriving to stay. She kinda peeks herself around the corner, then ducks back around, like she's teasing us. Guess it's how the Universe teaches the virtue of Patience. Actually, the weather matters not to me anymore. So long as I can be indoors looking out, just don't mind the non-destructive storms, cloudy days, anymore than the sunny days. My comfort zone is cool, so 90-degree days I hunker in where the AC keeps me comfy. Aging is okay in that regard. No need to rush around in circles trying to conquer a world that can't be conquered. No need to prove oneself. We've done the bit, and now tis time to relax. The best advice is to Go With the Flow......like sitting in a teacup and floating down the river of life through the good, the bad and the ugly.