Thursday, March 31, 2022


A quite light snowfall overnight.  

Stayed up till 3 a.m. again, the cranial cavity wrapped in YT videos of monasteries built on mountains in China and Ethiopia.  Cannot fathom how stuff was constructed on the face of steep mountains of solid rock.  Watched a couple about the ten most interesting villages in China.  Am grateful for those who share their filmed travels for the rest of us to appreciate and experience.  Quite the world.

Hanging Monastery in China

Had a food binge during last night's telethon.  For some crazy reason, couldn't stop eating.  Went from a little bag of Skittles to a frozen oatmeal-raisin cookie, then to french-fried onions with a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese, ending with warmed up dressing and gravy.  Now, that's what I call an out-of-control late-night food frenzy.  Best part was that I didn't care.  Was in a mood where nothing was out of bounds.  Sure glad that doesn't happen often.  Perhaps it was a bit of news that stirred my heart beyond caring.  

Today am back to being what's normal for me......we all have our own levels of normalcy, don't we?  With 8 billion versions of normalcy, should there even be such a word as normal?  

Really quiet out.  With the exception of a lone bird flying by, one would think that civilization has ceased.  When my mind recalls the films of the human-packed streets of China and India, all I can do is say a prayer of thanksgiving.  Don't know how people can live and survive in such close proximity to one another.  Guess I must be a bit of a loner.....why else would monasteries hold such intrigue?

Crowded street in India
Chicken is thawing for supper.  Don't know how we'll fix it yet.  Chicken is always good, however prepared.  After last night's binge, am not the least bit hungry.  Goes to show that it's okay to let go and give in to our cravings.  Sometimes that's all it takes to bring us back on the right path.  Have always been, and hopefully always will be, a foodie.  Good appetites suggest good health, so best enjoy the party while I can.  Have always felt there are too many forceful opinions on what we should eat, how much, and when.  

Can you believe the boyfriend just offered to make us pancakes? can a person say no to that.  Yup, am doomed.   Where's the syrup????????