Saturday, April 30, 2022

Goodness, here it is later in the day than usual for my post.  Rainy day, stayed at home reading, working online puzzles, boyfriend watched Saturday racing, and now it's evening and the telly has nothing to offer us.  About the only programs that we end up watching are the ones related to food.  

The little man has eaten his supper and is snuggled in for the evening.  We're recycling last night's stir-fry by adding more rice, soy and terriyaki sauces.  Tomorrow evening we're having dear friends over for a pizza get-together, a long overdue visit.  It warms our hearts knowing the six of us 'long-time friends' will be getting together.  

The quotation, "I am going to live the rest of my life as if it were Saturday" (Chip Gaiens) could easily be my mantra.  There's something about Saturday that has always made me feel like it's time for fun, time to do things we enjoy the most......there's a sacredness to Saturday.  After all, it is Sunday Eve.