Thursday, April 7, 2022

Yesterday little love bug left, but he'll be back in a couple of weeks.  His daddy and momma left us a written tentative list of their travel plans for the year.  Now I have dates certain to await with a happy heart.

Thanks, Tall Cottage, for the ideas for the vintage keys.  Did some looking on Pinterest and have kinda decided on a shadow box.  Took a picture for the boyfriend so he has some idea what's swirling inside my brain.  He's anxious to make it for me down in the Venny workshop.  

Also ordered on eBay a vintage brass key plate to include in the shadow box display.  Thought that might add a touch of class, plus am thinking about somehow including the quotation, "Old keys won't open new doors."  Will post the finished project.  Have some design colored sheets of paper for a background.  White feels kinda stark to me.

Have sorted through the box of keys, sorting out the vintage ones.  All different sizes, skeleton keys, and what all.  If the rusty devices could talk to me, think the stories they could share about the doors they've opened, where, and by whom.  My brain can easily manufacture scenarios.  Before this, didn't know the the designs on old keys. This has opened a new awareness. 

Don't know yet a plan for the newer style keys.  Did see where they make interesting wind chimes.  First priority, tho, are the vintage ones.  They're the ones that show their age, wear and tear.  Kinda like me.

Have to start thinking what to write about for the April Venny Newsletter.  Am thinking of something along the line of the power of flowers in our lives.  There's something rattling around in my head....just have to think how to present it in a fun and yet interesting way.  

Have turned the 1,000-page of Sherlock, so just maybe if I keep my nose to the grindstone, might see that last page before nightfall.  Best get going.  Ta-ta.