Sunday, May 1, 2022

The May birthstone is the emerald.  Have always loved this gem because of its deep-sea green color.  Emeralds symbolize rebirth, perfect for May.

Our weather presents itself again without sunshine.  The cold temperature lingers, as spring and winter have a tough time letting go of one another.  

The lawn out and around us is green, and the gardeners here are busy painting the newly donated flower boxes that will adorn the big deck.  I don't get involved in doing any of that stuff.  My contribution is behind the scenes with a monthly newsletter article.  Covid's social separation placed me in a comfort zone that I'd not experienced before, and, unlike many others, I gotta say it suits me.  It's not that I'm anti-social, it's just that home is where I'm most contented.  Can't put my finger on exactly what it is, but 2020-21 changed a lot of things and, in some cases, left battle scars.  Maybe 'divisive' is the word am looking for.  

Two delicious cookies were left by our door last evening, in a plastic bag marked "Happy May Day."  Oh, they were such yummy cookies....and, we polished 'em off on the spot.  That's called enjoying the moment as it presents itself.


  1. Happy May Day!
    I remember being little and on this day taking baskets of flowers to hang on neighbors' doors, ring the bell and dash away. A vintage expression of saying "Welcome Spring". Our weather has been quite chilly and breezy of late so no posies. In fact, below freezing most nights. I noticed yesterday I finally have one daffodil bud.
    The gift of cookies was a nice one!
