Monday, January 1, 2024

The first posting of a new year is always special.  We humans have invented ways to start anew, and this is one.  Reminds me of the magic slate back in the 1950s.  

The boyfriend and I welcomed the new year in and stayed up until 3 a.m.  Then we slept in this morning until we felt like getting up.  January 1st is football day and the Rose Parade in Pasadena.  

The weather where we live is sunless.  All is calm and quiet, with the dedicated walkers exercising their bodies and their dogs.  

I've made new resolutions that will hopefully promote well-being.  The first is to cut out sugar on the days that's possible.  One cannot cold-turkey, anyway I can't.  There are times when we're with friends and food is the centerpiece.  Am not about to say no to a dessert that's prepared and offered with love.  That ain't gonna happen.  Rather, I'll simply eliminate the refined sugar when we're at home.  Both of us watch our A1C numbers, and sugar is a rather harmful sweetness.  That's an oxymoron for you!

Another resolution is no second helpings.  Bless me Father, for I have sinned by enjoying another scoop of yumminess.  The boyfriend made us chili for supper last night, and it nearly killed me not to have a second serving.  Figured if I'm serious, I'd start on New Year's Eve and see if I could actually do it.  From now on, I am taking one day at a time.  If I can actually do those two things, maybe by next Christmas I'd feel better about myself.  It's a challenge.

Last night after watching a couple holiday rom-coms, I watched three mystery movies on YT.  The who-dun-its are fun for the brain to ponder.  

My heart goes out to the people in Japan in the aftermath of the 7.6 earthquake and 60 tremors that followed.  One cannot fathom the horror of being trapped beneath the rubble.  What a way to start a new year.   

Whatever your hopes and wishes are for 2024, my heart hopes and wishes they all come true.  Let's pray for good health and peace among us.  Ta-ta.