Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Gotta be down in the Fireside Room at 10 this morning, so setting the siren was a necessity.  Once in a while it's good to set the siren, cuz it reminds us just how darned wonderful it is to be able to sleep in as late as we want.  That is one of the best perks of rising to the top of life's ladder.  At this stage of life, we have gained the wisdom to realize what really makes life easier.  We've crossed the retirement finish line, and it's time to harvest the perks.

The Tea Project is finished.  I'll get out my gramma's teapot and the tiny tea set, give 'em a wash, and carry them down at 10 this morning.  Before that, gotta shower and get presentable.  Another retirement perk is allowing oneself to look like a first class frump.  Gone are the days of panty hose and heels, dresses and skirts.  My closet contains neither.  Most of the time, I wear shoes without socks or preferably go barefoot.  When a person thinks about it, we begin to cherish sleep and comfort....which are precursors to "the big sleep."  Think I'm gonna welcome the transition.

We're having yet another day of gloom.  The sky is a gun metal gray.  Wonder how the poor little groundhog is going to perform his annual test.  We already can tell the days are a bit longer.  That's another of life's mysteries....how the world turns and the seasons change according to an invisible mechanism.  Even a gloomy day gives one cause for pause.  The sun is shining up there, but we just can't see it.  The Mighty Mechanism hides the light from us just like a mystery book.  All things of Nature are wonderments, like the superlative structure of a snowflake, the drops of rain, the rainbow, the thunder, lightning, and all of the other weather-related transitions that go on around the world.  How can humans be so frail, yet so arrogant?

I find a giggle when I listen to the experts on one thing or another.  For sure, there are those who know more about one subject than the rest of us.  But, each of us knows a lot about something.  Some humans shine like the sun and are known around the world.  The majority of us are like cloudy days, when the sun's hidden behind the clouds.  We have those who tell us how many steps we have to take every day, I think 10,000 is recommended.  If we fall short of that, we entertain godawful guilt.  It's the same thing when others tell us what we should eat.  But, in the end, no one has the answer to anything.  Remember Jack Lalane, the physical guru?  OMG, I think he ate grass and had muscles in his ears.  BUT, he, too, succumbed to final rest despite his efforts and wisdom.  This is the way I rationalize with myself about doing what I feel like doing while I can.  This business of putting standards out there for everyone is as silly as putting olives on ice cream.

Did anyone watch the Alex Murdaugh evidentiary hearing that was held yesterday?  I watched the Judge interview each of the jurors and the questioning of Becky Hill, the Clerk of Court, who wrote the book that caused such a stir.  In the end, the Judge denied Mr. Murdaugh's request for a new trial.  The Judge did say that Becky Hill's testimony was not entirely credible.  The defense lawyers were aggravating.  I'm sure the case will now go to the appellate court.  The big boys just can't deal with losing.  

Well, best get cracking here.  The boyfriend handed me a slice of buttered toast, and that's our breakfast.  My morning sustenance is a cuppa coffee, black and strong.  No fairy pee for me.

Let's all stay in our own lane and be safe.  Ta-ta till the morrow.