Friday, January 12, 2024

Here I sit, wearing my snuggly socks that I got from Debbie for Christmas.  I'm finally feeling okay enough to type a post.  Yup, it's been a rather uncomfortable week+ now.  That will teach me not to cancel my September doctor appointment, when I'd have gotten my annual flu shot.  We haven't had a cold or flu since we moved here in seven years.  The minute we don't get our flu shots....whammo!  Karma is real.

Think of any symptom that accompanies the flu, and I had it.  The same with the cold.  I'm one who suffers from post-nasal drip, and that was a total bummer.  Anyway, my new doctor's appointment is at the end of this month, and I'm gonna ask for every vaccination they will give me.  Getting sick sucks.  We both have coughs yet, and the energy levels are extremely low.  No appetites.  Enuf of that.

Our corner of the world is snowy-blowy.  Both of us talked about how fortunate we are to live where we do.  Despite our being sick, we were able to cuddle in our little nest and not worry about a thing.  Venny friends called and texted to see if we're okay and if there's anything we need.  Outdoor chores are no more.  There's something to be grateful for every day and in every situation.

A bunch of deer have left tracks in the snow under our balcony.  Dale saw 12 the other evening.  One day, from my recliner, I watched strings of geese flying northward in v-formations.  

There's a potluck downstairs tonight, but as a courtesy we're not going.  Neither of us feels like it, plus it's best to keep apart from others when on the tail-end of being sick.  I ordered online a new filter for our humidifier.  When it arrived at our door, Dale tended to that and filled it with water.  That's made a big difference.  

Our new air fryer also arrived.  We unpacked it, but haven't situated it on the cupboard as yet.  Gonna rearrange things and clean our kitchen cupboards, so will wait until we're both back to feeling ourselves.  There's a box of Chinese egg rolls in the freezer that we want to try in the air fryer.   

Not a whole lot newsworthy.  Wanted to get back to my loyal followers and let you know we're on the mend.  Thank you for the notes of concern, appreciate them so much.  Stay well and enjoy our world of white.  Ta-ta.