Today I'm starting out by posting a ditty that I read on FB a few minutes ago......
Here is the ultimate way to make life simpler and clean the house at the same time.....with very little effort. You see, I've done this before.....but never managed to keep it up for one entire year.My approach was to find a cardboard box. Every day I put one thing in that box until it was full and ready to be donated to a thrift store or dumpster. Down-sizing is an endeavor that has no end. We humans never stop "adding to the pile," so to say. For a while, every time I bought something, I tossed another. That kept a balance. Like always, I've become lax, but now it's time to arouse my enthusiasm and get back on task.
Did you ever wonder why it has to be so difficult to do two things? To lose weight and keep the house clean. Any time we allow ourselves to enjoy comfort foods or indulge in the comfort of lounging around, well, things go sideways. Pretty soon our clothes get tight and the house is a mess. Every single thing in life requires our motivation, our energy, our determination, our discipline and strength. Our generation was raised to push ourselves, sometimes beyond what made sense at the time. Yet, we pushed, we worked, we did everything we were told to do.
Where am I going with all of this? Well, after living about 28,000 days, I'm getting weary of following the rules. I'm not as energetic and motivated as I used to be. My need to be on top of my game is fluttering in the wind. I no longer need a lot of the stuff that once made me feel good about myself. When we downsized to move to Venny, I saw just how much stuff a person accumulates, and to what end? Only to be buried under our accumulations and the guilt we feel when our accumulations overtake our lives. Stuff everywhere. Drawers and closets get messy. Things aren't where they ought to be. To be perfectly honest, a lot of stuff now makes me feel like a hamster running in that round cage.
I'm gonna challenge myself to the 365-Toss starting today. I'm truly serious about this and will keep my readers up to speed on my efforts. I'd be pleased if any of my followers would care to join me. This is the easiest way I can imagine to clear out the excess. I love to challenge myself, so I'm committing to this in front of the world. One year from now our home will have 365 less things in it, and that will make me and the boyfriend very happy. Do I have any takers out there? Misery thrives on company.