Sunday, December 31, 2023


Today is 12-31-23?  Amazing little bit of trivia.

Yes, tonight at midnight we shut the door on 2023 and welcome in 2024.  Can't brag about anything this year, but sure can cry.  

Woke up to white patches here and there.  At least my wishes are being partially granted.  

Yesterday we puppy-sat for little Buffy Boo.  OMG.  She got a haircut and was over-the-moon cute.  Buffy is such a little thing and literally flies off the floor up onto our laps.  One second she's on the floor, next she's on top of one of us.  She's a snuggle bug and loves to retrieve toys when we throw them for her.  When her parents picked her up, they brought a bottle of wine for us girls and beers for the boys.  We toasted their recent wedding and the new year that's coming in.  Blessings abound.

Her ears are soooooo cute!

Well, this is the day we make our resolutions for the new year.  It's time to scale back on the guilt and the pressure and vow to live the moment only.  

At the end of October, I secretly decided to undertake a physical commitment.  Every morning and every night before bedtime, I sit on the edge of the bed and do 100 leg lifts with each leg.  That's 200 per day.  The idea was to test the turtle approach, rather than the rabbit approach to a commitment.  I'm happy to say, that it works.  Today both legs have done 12,000 lifts.  My chosen lifestyle is rather sedentary.  It's pretty difficult to crochet or paint or make jewelry while walking.  The leg lifts utilize the hamstrings, quads, glutes, hips and lower abdominal muscles.  It's a small effort that I'm able to maintain, and therein lies the best part of all.  

In addition to the leg lifts, each morning I print the alphabet with my feet in mid-air while sitting on the edge of the bed.  This can be done sitting on a chair, couch, or anywhere.  This is good for leg circulation and just plain feels good.

Now my next big discipline for the new year is controlling my eating.  This girl is an emotional eater.  Give me a heavy life trial, and my body expands accordingly.  I'm not sure what turtle approach I'll come up with today, but it's gotta be something doable and sustainable.  I'm pretty sure this is probably the 50th year now that I've made this kind of resolution.  Guess I should be thankful that I'm healthy and have an appetite quite akin to an elephant.

Update on pine cone seeds:  No sprouts.  Nothing.  

This last Thursday we spent the day with Sheila.  She fixed chili dogs in her air fryer. 

Best chili dog ever!
Sheila also fixed us french fries in her air fryer.  This was a good education for us, because we came home and ordered one online from WM.  We chose the basket type rather than the oven type.  I did some research, and one video highly recommended the 6 quart, 1700 watt.  The one we ordered is the Drew Barrymore Air Fryer that comes with flying recommendations, and I like it's simple appearance....

We had been thinking about getting an air fryer, but weren't quite sure how they worked.  The french fries were super crisp and absolutely delicious.  The price was very reasonable $69, postage free from WM.  Should be delivered to our door by January 5th.  

The last days I've spent watching oodles of holiday movies, videos about the nomads in Iran, working my three puzzles every day, and just enjoying the last days of the year.  With that said, I wish new year blessings for all of my faithful followers.  Let's all try to find the good parts in our days and try not to give room to the negatives.  Lord knows there are many in our world.  

~PEACE  -  Positive Energy And Caring for Everyone~