Friday, January 26, 2024

Well, well, well, life just continues to be one flippin' surprise after another.  Think I'm going to start wearing a seat belt in my recliner!

Went to the doctor yesterday to hopefully get good numbers from our lab work.  Well, we aced that, both of us.  Our duo appointment went very well.  BUT, before the appointment was over, he reviewed our records to see if we were current on our vaccinations and our preventative health tests.  My heart was tickled pink that I no longer need to go in for the boob squeeze, BUT I didn't think about the roto-rooter test where they test for colon cancer.  You see, my daddy died at 71 from colon cancer, so that's a big red flag in my health records.  

We had a nice discussion, I, of course, did not want to have one.  BUT, after he explained that last time there were pre-cancerous polyps that were removed, he got my senses aligned and I surrendered.  I'm simply too young to fold now.  It's that business of taking care of oneself.  Maybe if daddy had gone to the doctor, his cancer could have been avoided, too.

Long story short, in three months I'm scheduled.  Yup, that's how far out their scheduling is.  Am not going to fret, but will rather face this like a soldier and fight for my life.  I did ask for a male doctor and for an alternative to drinking the water tank of dreadful liquid.  It makes me throw up.  So, he will order an alternative prescription.

My boyfriend suggested that I not be transparent about this, but, hey, if the King of England can tell the world about his health issues, then so can I.  It's that business of we're all in the same boat, except few share their experiences.  It's okay to be private and in many ways I am very private.  BUT, at this stage of the game it's kinda silly to pretend that life is anything but what it is.  

We went out for lunch after our appointment, to the tune of $30+, for a meal that left us wondering what happened since we ate at the restaurant last.  Both of us needed the treat, yet we came home praising our home-prepared food.  Usually I stay up until the wee hours of the morning, BUT last night I zonked out at 10 o'clock and slept until 8 this a.m.  

There's a lot to be thankful for, and I'm here to shout out praises for the young doctors that keep us boomers on track.  I thought it was kinda cute that he referred to the two of us as 'salt and pepper.'  Every single night I pray for the doctors and nurses in our world who work hard to better the human condition.  I myself cannot even watch the lab technician take blood from my arm.  I look to the side.  So, that means that my part in the human game is to pay homage to those dedicated souls who are in the front lines every day caring for the health issues that plague every one of us.  

It's another dreary day here.  Yesterday the temps were in the high 30s.  A good share of the snow has melted off of the deck.   

So goes our days.  Before I close, I'd like to thank someone special for the snail mail and photos of Frank, a beloved Dachshund, who lives on the west coast.  Like I've said a zillion times before, there's no love like the love from the Canine Kingdom.
