Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sunny 13° Sunday where we live.  The sun shining in our sliding patio doors is so bright, we pulled the blinds.  A girls' basketball game is on the telly for the boyfriend, and I'm catching up on the daily videos on YT.  

Last evening my brain got tangled up in episodes of Perry Mason.  Back in 1957, when the first Perry Mason shows aired, I was already hooked like a flopping fish on the world of Della Street, Perry's devoted assistant.  At age 17, I found myself hired by a local top law firm, as a devoted assistant to a criminal trial lawyer.  His brother, also an attorney in Arizona, in later years hired me to type a book he wrote.  After 14 years, my boss died of a heart attack, and that was when I transitioned over to juvenile court, where I stayed for the next 27 years.  I'm still addicted to watching trials, law enforcement interrogations, and detective dramas.  I'm so into this that I sometimes find myself wiping off my fingerprints from the remote control!  (just kidding)

Today I'd like to share something that I found on Facebook.  It's a piece entitled YOU by Donna Ashworth.  In my opinion, it's a piercing point that each of us should think about.  Never does the human mind fail to astound me.  Of all the reading I've done in my life, this is probably the most powerful confidence booster.  Our normal reaction to life is to feel unnoticed, but this tunes us in to a channel that can't help but nourish our own personal heart and soul.....

Enjoy your day.......and imagine the glitteringly beautiful network that you have inspired during your earthly journey.