Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Another day.  Another problem.

A couple hours ago I learned that our Venny friend is in the ER waiting to be transferred to another hospital, waiting on an open bed.  Boy, a person just doesn't know from one minute to the next what's gonna pop out of the ground in front of us.

This is the one who texts with me back and forth daily like a game of volleyball.  We've both got a crazy sense of humor, and one feeds off the other.  Now that this has been put on his plate, I'm sitting here waiting for an update.  I changed the sound for when a new text comes in so I'm sure to notice.  The sound I chose is the choo-choo.  Heaven knows one can't not hear that.

Our cupboards are once again stocked, thanks to the boyfriend's venture yesterday.  I enjoyed my time at the salon down the hall.  Asked for a pixie cut....a short one, and that's what I got.  Love the feel of a new do.  The hairdresser swept up the clippings so took a photo to share. Don't ask me why the hair on the floor is dark when it's gray when it was on my head.  Go figure.

Have been following the Alex Murdaugh struggle for a new trial, after being convicted of killing his wife and his son.  The defense attorneys are claiming that the Clerk of Court, Becky Hill, made improper conversation with jurors.  Becky Hill is the one who wrote the book, Behind the Doors of Justice.  The whole affair is a tangled mess of accusations, and yesterday the court held a pre-evidentiary hearing.  The Judge is a woman who was on the South Carolina Supreme Court, and she takes no crap from anyone.  On the 29th of this month the evidentiary hearing will be held, at which time the judge will ask jurors questions, as well as the Clerk of Court.  So far, the defense attorneys are getting their ears clipped by the judge, and that's music to my ears.  The Murdaugh family is a legal dynasty in South Carolina, and finally the skeletons are coming out of the closet.  People in powerful places think they're above everyone else.  

Nothing else newsworthy from my seat in the stadium.