Glory be to the Father.......I've started a massive spring clean at our home. In addition to my 365-Toss-Challenge, I am reorganizing to improve accessibility. After a while, the invisible elves put things in places they don't belong. Hence, the frustration.
Yesterday I did a thorough clean of the space where our new Air Fryer sits. This included cleaning the back splash and under the cupboard that hangs above it. Have concluded that little else cleans as well as Dawn.
Also cleaned and refilled the olive oil decanter. The first item to leave our unit was an oil decanter. The four canisters are on the firing line until I figure out where to put them, if I put them anywhere at all. This sort of cleaning is not something that I do in one fell swoop. Rather, in small increments so I can think things through before knowing exactly the best plan. I make this sound like rocket science, but in some ways it is. Everything must have its own place.
Spices are another problem. There's no way I can simply put them in the cupboard. Trying to find some certain spice would be a nightmare and would require me taking everything out. So, the spices are all in one plastic tote that can easily be taken from the cupboard and looked through. Half of the spices we never use, but just maybe a recipe will require something odd like coriander. Come to find out that coriander is cilantro. Am simply going to make an effort to use up what's taking up space.
With that said, I'm feeling quite self-satisfied that finally the busy bug bit me. This means that my cold/flu stint must be over. January is the perfect time to buckle down and get stuff done, cuz when spring arrives, who wants to have their nose in the cupboards? Not me.
One thing we must do is use what we have and not keep buying stuff we already have stashed away. For instance, I don't know how many packets of taco seasoning, jello and pudding I sorted through. The first thing I did was make a big box of strawberry jello for tonight's dessert. We usually buy sugar-free, but somehow a box of regular jello snuck in. Both of us like jello. We're out of fresh fruit and canned fruit, so we'll eat it plain.
Tis another overcast day here. A big black crow just flew past. We don't have any winter birds to watch. When they put in new decks, they did away with the area where my precious little sparrows lived. It was such a safe place for them.
Good news to report about my olive tree. New shoots have sprouted, and that makes me happy.....considering the lack of attention it's received lately.
Nothing newsy. Last night I stayed up until 3:30 a.m. watching a Perry Mason marathon. Finally told myself to shut the laptop down and go to bed.