Saturday, January 27, 2024

Where has January gone?  Wasn't it just Christmas?  The next mushy holiday is Valentine's Day.....the hearts, the flowers, the boxes of chocolates, the jewelry, the cards (probably e-cards).  It pains me to think that for some these special gestures are annual and not daily events.

There won't be any exchange of sweets or posies at our home.  Nah, we're into the silliness of teasing each other with some smart-a__ remarks, and maybe making a special supper.  In our younger days, we went out for dinner to celebrate days like Valentine's, but not anymore.  Our home is where it's at, and our priorities and comfort levels have changed with the years.  Yes, I'm old-fashioned and mighty proud to be.  I wave the baby boomer flag high, shouting my praises for the generation who worked hard to get where we are.  We might be inching closer to the end of our life ruler, but we've been warriors through our individual battles.  None of us ever felt entitled, that's for sure.  

The boyfriend went grocery shopping yesterday afternoon.  Sports scheduled on the telly for today propelled him to save the weekend for kicking back at our home stadium.  For the life of me, I can't understand spending thousands of dollars to attend a game, when watching it at home is far more on point.  Guess I'm not a sports fan, so best not judge others.  I do enjoy baseball and have gone to big league games in earlier years.  My memories are of the hot dogs.  Go figure.

My cleaning house efforts are still on point.  Each day one more thing gets put in the 365-toss box.  To be honest, I don't know if there will be enough stuff to keep going for one full year.  Gotta remember, tho, that there's our storage unit on the lower level that has stuff, too.  My next job is to go through the cookbooks that came to Venny with us.  Am thinking of getting rid of half of them.  The question is whether I count each cookbook as one toss or lump 'em together as a count of one.  Maybe each one will be a day's toss.  That makes sense.

When I need a recipe, the first place I head for is Pinterest.  Just love that place for finding lots of things.  I have recipe books from Mom and Gramma, and there are a few of my own that I'll hang onto.  Cooking and baking just aren't in my special interest categories anymore.  Am not sure if it ever was.  My favorite time to cook has always been for guests.  

Our sliding door is open, with fresh cool air feeling like being hooked up to oxygen. Feels wonderful.  All the snow has melted from our deck.  The other day we were talking about growing Amish Chocolate Tomatoes on our deck again like we did for one year.  We planted two in one planter and were eating tomatoes like jelly beans at Easter.  Am also going to get a hanging plant to pamper.  Our small deck is a little slice of happiness for me.  

This afternoon I'm making a kettle of chowder for our supper.  One task that I love doing is cutting up vegetables for soups.  Don't know what it is.  I sit by the counter and chop away.  The boyfriend bought a bread bowl that we'll dip into the chowder rather than eat out of the bread bowl.  

Overcast outside, dreary and drab.  We still have our Christmas evergreen on the door to our unit, and it's looking kinda out of place.  But, it'll stay up until the first of February.  Then we'll change to hearts and flowers.  I used to save flowers from year to year, but don't do that anymore.  With Dollar Tree close by, I'd rather buy new ones and make my own arrangements. 

By the way, today, January 27th, is National Fruit Cake Toss Day.  This is the day to throw the leftover Christmas fruitcake as far as you can.  The birds will love you for it!