Slept late this morning. Both of us are still babysitting with the remnants of our recent respiratory woes. We've indulged in barely zero over-the-counter meds, except for the trusty tube inhaler and honey-lemon cough drops. Drinking water and fruit juices and getting plenty of rest is ideal for those of us who have the time to pamper ourselves. In these hectic times, getting good rest is a pamper.
Received more photos from Hawaii last evening. It's beyond my understanding how I can sit here in my little corner of the globe and text back and forth with someone who is visiting the islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This is the same little girl who used the crank telephone box that hung on the kitchen wall! Goodness, the changes we've been fortunate to experience on our journey.
So many luxuries, so little appreciation. There are things that I'd like to thank my parents for, and teaching me to appreciate the little things is one. My Daddy never asked for more, except second helpings of Momma's cooking. Nope, he made do with what he had. If what he had broke, he fixed it. Maybe that's the source of my creative spirit for making beauty out of the broken or discarded.
Our Venny friend was transferred to Rochester and is having tests today to determine if there's been damage to his heart since his last hospitalization. Makes for a sad time for us, cuz we're good buddies. He's having an angiogram around noon today. Thank goodness once again for the modern marvel of phone texting. In lots of ways the cell phone has disconnected human one-on-one connection, yet it also connects us beyond anything possible before.
As my readers know, I'm a computer techy. I live and breathe with the assistance of my Chromebook. Yet, there's another part of me that still enjoys writing with a pen on paper in my notebook. Interestingly, my handwriting has changed over to printing from cursive, mainly because age some days doesn't allow the steadiness of my youth. Printing affords more control, for me anyway. We do what we do with what is most comfortable. It's that business of taking life in its stages and accepting what is. Wish the younger generations realized the struggles of the senior population. There's no way they can, because our struggles are silent and unseen. Endurance is a war fought by our warrior within.
Supper last evening was a WM pepperoni pizza, and I always give them a high rating. We added onions, and actually I made mine into a taco pizza by crushing Doritos on top and adding taco sauce. The boyfriend isn't as crazy about pizza as I am, so my supper will be pizza again tonight. His supper will be homemade vegetable soup. It's a win-win.
Have been thinking how each one of us 8 billion beings is a walking miracle. Each of us is different by design. Not one of us is above the rest. Life gives and then it takes away. Imagine 8 billion people, each struggling in one way or another. One random act of kindness can make one person's struggle a bit easier. Being kind is probably the easiest thing in the world to do. Sometimes all that's required is a smile or a wave or even a wink. It's an intriguing experiment to watch for acts of kindness when we're out and about. Give it a try and see how many you can witness in one outing. Acts of kindness come in all sizes, and each size fits all.