Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Like a stuck record.....the temperature is -2° and feels like -21°.  I haven't been out of the unit now for over two weeks.  The only walks I've taken in the snow have been down Memory Lane.  The sky is clear and light blue.  

Only one thing on today's agenda, and that is me going down to the salon for a hair cut.  The gal knows I enjoy a head massage, so she does that when she washes my hair.  It's an understatement that I need a lift in appearance.  

Oodles of household tasks await my total return to my normal.  I'm good at sitting in my recliner and making to-do lists.  I'm also good at recording things that I do.  Beside me is a 3-ring binder labeled DAILY LOG.  In there, are pages filled with typewritten daily updates of what I do and when.  That way, I can refer back and answer any questions I may have.  This is a carry-over from my office days when I kept a CYA file.  You'd be surprised at the number of times that file saved my A.  

The jury returned a verdict on the pine  cone seeds that I planted.  The seeds did not grow, but I do have another trick to try.  I read so many things online, and one suggestion is to put the pine cone partially in potting soil and let sprouts grow out of the cone.  Will give it a try.  If anyone out there has successfully grown a new tree from a pine cone, please share your expertise.  

While I was under the weather, I managed to put together my article for the January Newsletter.  I wrote about sniglets....those words that should be in the dictionary, but aren't.  Actually, the article had been written awhile back and was waiting for a time when a topic was beyond my reach.  Worked perfectly.  Oh, how I remember the sniglets.  For us word lovers, they were manna from heaven.  My favorite of all time is the 'merferator'.....the cardboard roll in t.p.  I have a task ahead of me the approaching weeks, because I closed my article by saying in the next edition I will hopefully share my attempt at "merferator art."  

My greatest joy comes from making something out of something discarded.  Making beauty out of the broken.  I secretly wish to order another box of broken discarded jewelry, untangle it, and take each piece apart.  BUT, I have enough beads now to circle the globe.  It's an addiction.  A frickin' bead addiction of all things.  One of these days I've got to buckle down and make jewelry and beaded sun catchers.  Also want to get back into crocheting and back into reading and back into all the creative ideas that fly through my head at very high speeds.  There is one thing that I do not suffer from....never have....and, that is 'boredom.'  I could occupy myself in cardboard box out in the middle of the desert if I had enough broken things to work with.

I'd best get in the shower and ready to get all dollied up.  Thank heaven I don't need to leave Venny, just walk down the hall to the salon.  It's pixie time for this little old lady.  Ta-ta till the morrow.