Sunday, January 14, 2024

Cell phones are wonderful, but the best part of them is the camera feature.  Those of us who remember the square box cameras can attest to the miraculous wonder of these modern inventions.   I've got tons of photos on my phone, quite a few of which ought to be deleted.  For some reason, there are multiples of some and I don't know how they got there.  Maybe one day I'll devote to photo deletions.

Speaking of photos, here's a sweet one that shows the G-fur family snoozing in total peace and comfort.  I get such a kick out of the canines cuddling with the felines.  I'm personally a small canine lover, and it seems we humans do have a significant preference for one or the other.   

Wilson, the St. Bernard, gets his own love seat, while Millie, Maggie and the cats share the couch.   

It's very quiet here today.  More than likely, everyone is hunkered down in the bitter cold temps.  At the moment it's -2° and it feels like -21°.   Our humidifier is making the air breathable.  

We're both a couple of inches closer to feeling better.  I can feel myself getting sassier, and that's usually a good indicator that all the knobs are tuned in as they should be.  

This Tuesday I've got an appointment to get my hair cut.  Gonna get another short pixie.  I'm trying to find the proper adjective to describe how I look at the moment, and can't decide between frumpy and pitiful.  Maybe I need to go to some expensive spa and have a total do-over.   Or, maybe I should buzz off to a Zen Monastery somewhere in the mountains where no one can see me. 

Ta-ta till the morrow.