Down in the Fireside Room is a charming display case that features the latest of revolving exhibits. The boyfriend's chip-carvings have been displayed, as well as nativity sets from around the world, and other collections belonging to our Venny family. They're in the process now of changing the display to teapots. The gals in charge of organizing the case asked if I would research and type up a hand-out telling about the history of tea.
This sounds like my cup of tea. And, will give me the opportunity to display my paternal grandmother's teapot....the only possession of hers that I ever owned. Back in my blogs somewhere I've written about this teapot and how I acquired it. Regardless, it is a black teapot made in England. Very plain.
While talking about this, we gals chatted about hosting a tea party in conjunction with the teapot display. Right away I offered my services in making fancy tea sandwiches. I watch Nicolas Fairford videos on You Tube. He lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, and has featured the making of fancy cucumber sandwiches and more. He'll some weeks take his viewers to tea in historically elegant restaurants.
So, today I'm going to be googling all things related to tea, it's history, consumption statistics, and hopefully some fascinating tid-bits about tea. I'm thinking of making a separate handout about proper tea etiquette. Of course, the other gals are in charge, so I'll simply toss out suggestions and let them decide.
Among my treasures is a tiny tea set that I've had for years, as well as four fancy tea cups and matching saucers. I've offered the cups for the tea party. I figure why have 'em if we can't use 'em. There's no one following in my family footsteps who will be waiting to inherit them. So, if one gets broken, no tears will be shed. Maybe it would give me the opportunity to replace it with another set that needs a caring owner. No sense in crying over spilled tea!
Last evening's chowder turned out better than expected. I made a large kettle, so no worries about tonight's supper. Soup is better the second time around. Another lazy day of sports and research. It's gloomy outside. Perfect for snuggling with one's favorite napping blanket.