In a couple of hours, we're heading northward to pick up our Venny friend from the hospital. Tests were taken yesterday, with results known last evening. Hopefully, the problem can be controlled with medications. The boyfriend will be driving their brand new vehicle, and I'm tagging along. Much to be thankful for, and we'll be celebrating at the Star Ocean Buffet, a Chinese restaurant.
My favorite entree on the menu is their coconut shrimp. Oh, my plate will be heaped with other delights, but the shrimp kick the ball over the net for me. The four of us are known to enjoy our day trips with food being the main event of the day. Life requires special celebrations.
The weather is rather iffy, but we're thinking the roads should cooperate with our venture. Lots of nutso drivers on the roadways these days. Defensive driving is a must for us seasoned drivers. Whenever we go somewhere, both of us watch what's going on around us. Four eyes are better than two.
It's a hazy day, almost like a light fog. Sky is colorless, like a blank sheet of paper. I'll be taking along my crochet hook and yarn, a perfect opportunity to work on comfort crosses. Would like to donate a few more around Valentine's Day. Deadlines are of my own doing, and then I push myself to meet them. Am not entirely sure why I do that, but it keeps me disciplined.
Today would be my daddy's birthday. He'd be well over 100 years old. I'm now six years older than he was when he passed away. I was 34 years old at the time. Interesting how certain dates are forever seared in our memory. I read last evening that grief is having love for someone with nowhere to put it.
The clock is ticking, and I'd best get in the shower and spiff up. Lazy days at home make my need for comfort even stronger. Ahh, yes, the years that I went to work and needed to be dressed up. The thought alone makes me shiver. Now, I'm a leggings and sweatshirt kind of girl. Everything must stretch if it gets to hang in my closet.