Boy, was yesterday a doozy! Can't fathom what the blizzard conditions must've been out in the open spaces. From our secluded niche, we watched the light pole in the parking lot sway with the high winds. Most of the day was a white-out. We simply snuggled in, and each immersed ourselves in the fine art of napping and virtually traveling the world.
Good news is that we're both inching our way back to good health. It occurs to me that the only way a person can appreciate feeling good is by getting sick. In that vein, I shall see the positive in feeling under the weather.....whatever 'under the weather' means.
My spirits were lifted when I got a text with photos from Cuddy's parents from Hawaii. My heart is warmed by their friendship, which continues on since precious little Cuddy left us. Here is one photo they took of last night's sunset. Just maybe I, too, can pass forward a bit of natural beauty to inspire and comfort.
We sure do live in an exquisitely beautiful world. It's that business of needing a nudge to appreciate the depths of Nature's gifts that she bestows at no cost. Sunsets, like this one, are free for the taking. Just imagine how many people didn't take the time to see this sunset?There's nothing on today's agenda, except continue feeling better. Usually I have an elephant-sized appetite, but food interests neither of us. With any luck, I might lose a little of my 'fluffiness.' That would be a perk to this past week+. I remember going out for long walks after a snowstorm. Now, if I did that, chances are I'd fall and break some major joints and need an ambulance to transport me to the hospital. My cautious nature rather looks out the window and watches those who are decades younger. Guess we all do what we do in our given time. Then we move on to new arenas and acclimate ourselves to new approaches to life. I find fun in re-living things we did when we were younger.
As I've shared in last year's posts, there have been some major changes in my world. My new year's resolution is to file them away and let them turn into mulch. It's kinda like the business of the professor who gave his students a surprise test. Each student received a blank piece of paper with one black dot in the center of the page. The assignment was to write about what they saw. All students wrote about the black dot, and none wrote about the blank space which took up most of the paper. That's how we humans are. We focus on one bit of negative drama and not notice the blank space which is the good and the beautiful. I'm guilty of this, and it takes personal discipline to train the mind to be rid of those who shower us with sadness and betrayal. It's gonna be a better year.....if I work hard.
The snow removal guys are out and about clearing the parking lots and driveways. There's a palpable calm after the storm. Good day to cuddle in and savor our individual pockets of peace on earth.