Think today I'll start out silly.......
Oh, there are those who fortunately don't suffer from the cruelties of arthritis, but those of us who unwillingly inherited it....well, this is ever so true! It doesn't help either if one has had a hip replacement, a knee replacement and a shoulder replacement.My tendency is to look on the positive side of everything......everything. It may take me time to figure out how to do that, and it seems I spend a great deal of my time doing exactly that. I'm super-duper thankful to have had the replacements. At this age, I don't have any business sitting on the floor to begin with. That's why they make these couches and chairs into recliners.
The time I slipped in the bathroom and ruined my left shoulder, I wasn't able to get up off the floor. If the boyfriend hadn't been home, I'd have had to stay there until he returned. So, I know the experience first-hand.
The internet swarms with quotations that are exactly on point. That's because all of us have to stumble and fall on the rocks strewn in our path. Once in awhile there's a boulder that falls off a mountain and lands right in our way. Those are the times that suck, and those are the times we have to work our brains to figure out how to make it to the other side of the boulder. We can't physically remove them, so we're left with our mental capabilities. That's when humor and wisdom hold hands and get us through. Somehow.
I'm nurturing my pine cone seeds. Will any of them sprout? I'm thinking that if only one manages to grow, that will be a good omen. I'm one who believes in messages from the universe, sent to us through nature and love. We never know how these messages will arrive, but we must be acutely observant to recognize them. I believe good things happen to many people, and they fail to realize or recognize. Life has taught me to be on the lookout at all times. There's no university on earth that can teach a person how to do this. It's a power of the universe given to those who believe in the good and the positive and the assistance from a force beyond our understanding. There is no diploma either......because it's a gift.
A ground-moving machine crawls across the field from us. I told my boyfriend this morning that most people have to leave their homes to go to a rest home. For us, they're bringing the rest home to us. I try to find humor in even that by referring to a rest home as the parking lot to the cemetery. None of us wants to go there, but when we lose our abilities and our strengths.....we'll be thankful to have a place to go. If just one person there mistreats me, well, I have a plan in place. I'm gonna take off my diaper and pee in bed every night. So there.